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stretching, stretching, jogging, tennis, boxing, skiing, walking, back muscles

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stretching, stretching, jogging, tennis, boxing, skiing, walking, back muscles

After each session, you should dedicate at least 10 minutes to stretch. The benefits? Less pain and a barrier to the aging of the body for the elimination of toxins released by the muscles.

Sabrina Commis

Sporting activity is good, it’s necessary, but in any sport the muscles contract during the session. And if you can’t allow yourself an hour to stretch them every now and then, it’s a good idea to dedicate at least 10 minutes to relax them after training. “The stretching allows you to maintain flexibility and mobility. If you neglect it, you lose tone, joint range, resistance, strength; this will affect future performance,” he explains Elena Buscone, trainer, certified yoga and pilates teacher”. Stretches also help cleanse the skin toxins released by the muscles during effort, thanks to the blood that continues to circulate in the muscle tissues. “Without it, waste accumulates and creates adhesions, the first cause of muscle pain but also of body aging”. For “ideal cleansing”, it is best to accompany stretching with hydration. The water will help eliminate waste products.”

Jogging o walking. After walking to recover from running, stretch the muscle groups you used. Which? The front area of ​​the thighs: standing, knees together, lift the right heel towards the right buttock. To stretch i quadricipiti, pull in the ankle while advancing the right hip slightly. Repeat on the other side. The part rear of the thighs: depending on your step, you may feel stiffness; this area consisting mainly of tendons, must be stretched in a delicate way. Standing, legs crossed, gradually lean forward as if to touch the ground. The front leg pushes the rear leg.

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Boxing. During a session, the ankles, knees, wrists, elbows and shoulders are highly mobile and the joints experience high impacts. Let’s start with the ankles and arch of the foot: sitting position bring the foot towards you bending the knee then with the help of the hand make circles to the right and to the left. To relax the muscles under the foot in the same position, we raise and lower our toes. Shoulders: to stretch the back, grab your right elbow with your left hand and pull it towards you. The right arm passes under the chin, the hand can touch the neck or even the upper back. For the front area of ​​the shoulders and pectoralis major, position yourself parallel to the wall with your elbow resting at shoulder height. Rotate outward slightly with your upper body to feel the stretch. Repeat on the opposite side.

dorsal: standing, legs apart and knees slightly bent, buttocks and abs contracted, arms stretched out in front of you and fingers crossed, palms facing outwards. He turns left and then right. adductors: standing or sitting, legs apart, try to touch the left foot with the right hand and vice versa. For arms and hands: to stretch the triceps, raise the right arm and bring the elbow up. The left hand pushes the right arm at the elbow to bring it behind the head. To stretch biceps and forearm, extend the arm in front of you at shoulder height with the palm facing upwards and then flex the wrist downwards without bending the elbows and opening the hand wide.

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Bike. When pedalthe back muscles are often contracted: the stiffness is located in the center of the shoulder blades: it is essential to stretch them afterwards. Buttocks: Lie on your back, knees bent and feet on the ground with heels close to buttocks. He crosses his right ankle over his left knee, grabs his left thigh and lifting his foot off the ground pulls his left knee towards his chest. Front area of the thighs: standing, knees together, lift the right heel under the buttock. To stretch your quads, pull your ankle forward slightly with your right hip. Repeat on the other side. Lower back: Lie down on a mat, bring your knees towards your chest with your hands and make small circles to massage your lower back. Or, stand with your back to a wall, lean on a pilates ball, and roll the ball up and down your lower back.

Sci. It is essential to maintain flexibility in the thighs to avoid knee injury during a fall. Quadriceps: Standing, knees together, lift right heel towards buttock, pull in ankle while advancing right hip slightly. Repeat on the other side. Hamstrings: standing with your legs crossed, you gradually lean forward as if to touch the ground. The front leg pushes the rear leg.

Tennis. The activity primarily mobilizes the ankles, knees, adductors and hamstrings. Ankles and arch of the foot: sitting position bring the foot towards you by bending the knee then with the help of the hand make circles to the right and left to stretch the ligaments of the ankle. To relax the muscles under the foot while maintaining the same position, we raise and lower our toes. Repeat on the other side. Adductor: standing or sitting, legs apart, try to touch the left foot with the right hand and vice versa. Hamstrings: Standing, legs crossed, gradually lean forward as if touching the ground. The front leg pushes the rear leg. Arms and hands: to stretch the triceps, raise the right arm bringing the elbow up. The left hand pushes the right arm at the elbow to bring it behind the head. To stretch biceps and forearmextend the arm in front of you at shoulder height with the palm facing upwards and then flex the wrist downwards without bending the elbows and opening the hand wide

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