Home » The hi-tech mattress topper has bewitched Russell and Hamilton: it makes you sleep well (and it’s Italian)

The hi-tech mattress topper has bewitched Russell and Hamilton: it makes you sleep well (and it’s Italian)

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The hi-tech mattress topper has bewitched Russell and Hamilton: it makes you sleep well (and it’s Italian)

Matteo Franceschetti and Massimo Andreasi, founders of Eight Sleep tell the super pillowcase that aims to make you sleep well and for 8 hours: the Mercedes drivers use it and George has already asked to have it at all the GPs. Adapts temperature to vital functions, sends heart and respiration data to an app, and even helps wake up with small vibrations

Lorenzo Pastuglia

– Milano

To speed at over 300 km / h on the track, you need concentration and clarity: components guaranteed with a correct sleep. It is necessary to sleep on comfortable beds, even better if covered with an artificial intelligence mattress cover, able to measure every value of the human body during the rest phase. An innovation called ‘Pod’ and was developed by a US company, the Eight Sleep, founded by a young and enterprising team. That is by two Italians, Matteo Franceschetti (the CEO, 41 years old) and Massimo Andreasi Bassi (the Cto, 38 years old), and by a Mexican: the 33 year old Alexandra Zatarain, director of Marketing. From their intuition, an accessory was created that has already attracted the attention of teams such as Chelsea, Los Angeles Lakers and Mercedes F1.

the collaboration with mercedes

After the partnership signed with the world champions at the beginning of 2022, the artificial intelligence Pod now covers the beds of Lewis Hamilton and George Russell, but also of Toto Wolff and the main leaders of Stuttgart. “However, the goal is to extend it in the future to the rest of the team members as well – Franceschetti begins to explain – The riders? At the moment we have only received feedback from Russell, who sees his biometrics improved and wants it for all races. But Nyck De Vries is also using it, who is also very happy ”. Brackley’s interest began in 2021: “They contacted us all of a sudden, then we met during the F1 weekend in Austin – adds the CEO – he liked it so much that other drivers are also taking an interest. When a top driver uses a product that is useful for his performance, his colleagues don’t want to be left behind ”.

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vital data on the app

A smart accessory, capable of recording vital values ​​such as heart rate and breathing, but thin enough (0.01 inch) to remain inaudible while you sleep. Just sleep without wearing anything, then “the next morning, all the data, with medical accuracy of 99%, is transmitted to the app on a smartphone or tablet”. During the night, during the processing phase, “the system adjusts the temperature of one’s body, thus improving the night’s rest – says Franceschetti – The final goal is to make the customer sleep at least eight hours a day, saving several minutes compared to when sleeps on a normal bed ”. But not only that, given that the hi-tech mattress topper can do other things “such as waking you up gently with a slight vibration, but bringing you into light sleep first – adds the 41-year-old – and can be integrated with other Wi-Fi tools such as smart lights”.

warms or cools according to the body

An accessory, in short, that “is like melatonin, but made with the temperature, it always varies during the night and if not correctly regulated leads to insomnia – compares Franceschetti – Our product is also very useful when you have a fever and they shiver with cold ”. And, moreover, he knows how to adjust to perfection even if a second person sleeps on the bed: “More than 50% of couples have the problem that they want a different temperature, we know how to solve it – he continues – Each bed is independent, with sensors and a system of liquid left and right that can cool or heat between 12 and 43 degrees centigrade. They are microfilms that you do not see and hear ”. A sort of stethoscope, “which uses artificial intelligence instead of the doctor’s ear”.

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how the idea was born

The data on the improvement of sleep with the Pod And not only, the instrument will help Hamilton and Russell “in slowing down the heartbeat by one or two times a minute – says the CEO – The same as if you train non-stop for three- four months, but we can do it when we sleep ”. According to research carried out on the Pod, compared to sleeping on a normal bed there is a + 32% improvement in sleep, a 34% heavier sleep, and a 20% increase in recovery and, in less, dizziness in the bed. overnight. An idea that Franceschetti had in his mind for years, born after a reasoning: “As a young man I was a tennis player, and I was obsessed with the themes of performance and physical recovery – he says – Some time ago then I asked myself ‘Why if Elon Musk will go to Mars, we spend a third of our life on a bed without technology? ‘. And from here, the light bulb came on ”.

record profits

After doing some research, in fact, Franceschetti opened this startup together with her partners “in October 2014 in San Francisco (California), then later we raised more than 160 million from Silicon Valley investors, doubling the earnings every year. for hundreds of millions of dollars in turnover “. Today, however, Eight Sleep also has offices in Miami (which is the main office) and New York, with about 200 employees in China, Mexico, Brazil, the USA and Europe. Furthermore, the Pod is now purchased, through the virtual store, also in Canada and Australia, arriving a few months ago in Italy. “In addition to some sports from Mercedes, Lakers, Chelsea, we work in all with 100 top athletes”. But not only: “There are also top-notch executives”.

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