Home » MABEWO AG – Innovative solutions in the food industry for sustainable enjoyment

MABEWO AG – Innovative solutions in the food industry for sustainable enjoyment

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MABEWO AG – Innovative solutions in the food industry for sustainable enjoyment

MABEWO AG – solutions for the food industry

A scent of enticing flavors fills the air as we embark on a culinary journey that transcends the palate. The future on the plate has become a driving force for the food industry – an industry that not only embodies the essence of our daily lives, but also has a profound impact on our society and our environment. Everyone has to eat. Where does the food actually come from? 120 years ago, for every 100 people employed, 96 were farmers. Today it is 1 or 2 percent of the working population. That is why the view and the knowledge for food production have fallen out of focus. Land use, environmental damage and other negative influences are unknown. In addition, large amounts of food end up in landfills, resulting in huge amounts of food waste. Faced with these challenges, companies and researchers are looking for innovative solutions to make the food industry more sustainable.

It’s not too late for changes!

Indeed, the food industry is at a turning point as its traditional practices and approaches are being future-proofed with sustainable solutions. Climate change, which has become a global crisis, is directly linked to the activities of this industry, which contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. But that’s not all: According to the Federal Statistical Office, a global average of 120 kilograms per capita ended up in the garbage in 2019. In total, around 922 million tons of food was thrown away by consumers, retailers and restaurants.

In the midst of this vibrant landscape of innovative solutions in the food industry, a company with a remarkable vision stands out – MABEWO. This name stands for sustainability in the best sense of the word, and CEO, Jörg Trübl, firmly believes that it’s not too late to do the right thing. With this goal in mind, MABEWO AG would like to tackle the urgent challenges of the food industry and bring about lasting changes.

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reducing greenhouse gas emissions

At the heart of MABEWO’s customers are farmers and producers of flavors and fragrances, who all rely on high quality from local and decentralized production and a protected environment – indoor farming. As a technology company, MABEWO is proud to offer holistic solutions ranging from energy production to turnkey plants for food and feed production. An approach that not only conserves resources, but also minimizes the ecological footprint by massively saving water, land and nutrients and eliminating emissions from transport.

Reduction of food waste

Jörg Trübl points out that the basic supply of food is far from being a matter of course for everyone. Climate change, drought, soil sealing and floods lead to local harvest losses. Above all, a lack of water and suitable arable land are limiting factors, which is why food waste must be viewed as a particularly problematic issue, says Jörg Trübl. The reduction of food waste requires innovative solutions in order not only to stop wasting resources, but also to eliminate the additional burden on the environment, explains environmental engineer Jörg Trübl. For example, smart technologies and intelligent packaging could help to better monitor the condition and shelf life of food, enabling early detection of spoilage or expiry dates.

Intelligent packaging

Smart packaging can be equipped with sensors that monitor temperature, humidity and other factors. This allows consumers and retailers to be informed early on about expired or spoiled food and to dispose of it in good time. In addition, technologies such as blockchain can be used to make information about the origin, transport and storage of food transparent. As a result, potential weak points are identified and avoided, leading to a reduction in food waste.

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future trends

The future development of the food industry will also be influenced by new trends and developments. A study has identified 50 defining food trends by 2035. These include, among other things, the increased consumption of plant-based foods, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the quality and freshness of food, and the increased use of regional and seasonal products. What particularly distinguishes the indoor farming systems from MABEWO is their automation and the modular design, which meets all requirements. Great value is placed on high-quality products, flexible expansion options and minimal effort.

A cornerstone of this innovative and sustainable solution is the use of a photovoltaic system to generate clean electricity for crop production. This environmentally friendly energy concept enables MABEWO to make an important contribution to reducing CO emissions and paving the way for a climate-friendly future. These trends indicate an increasing demand for sustainable food and alternatives that reduce the ecological footprint.

At a time when the food industry is facing enormous challenges, MABEWO AG sets a shining example of how a responsible and future-oriented company can drive positive change through innovative strength and commitment. With her focused approach and her unwavering belief in a more sustainable world, MABEWO presents an inspiring perspective on the future on our plates – a future where sustainability and indulgence go hand in hand.

Seize opportunities today to reap tomorrow

The future on the plate therefore offers a wide range of opportunities for the food industry to align itself with sustainability. A combination of changing consumer behavior, innovative technologies and new business models will help minimize the environmental impact of food production. It is time to take action together to shape a sustainable future for our food and to address the challenges of climate change.

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Maximilian Bausch

Management consultant & blogger

Maximilian loves automation as a tool to simplify work. Further development is his passion. Nothing works without automation, neither industry, trade nor services. Generations X, Y and Z are completely digitized and the future is being redesigned – borders are disappearing. Maximilian counts himself among the young native digitals with the idea of ​​using automation across the board. In his blog bausch-enterprise.de he deals with artificial intelligence and digitization, builds on the future workshop to reduce prejudices and fears of automation. To positively accompany the way for profitability and efficiency of companies by taking up communication and discussion. You can reach us at abowi.com.

MABEWO AG stands for sustainability. “Make a better world” invests in the future and develops innovative technologies to solve the greatest challenges of our time: climate protection, energy transition, resource conservation and food supply. Mr Jörg Trübl is a qualified environmental engineer and has more than 20 years of practical business experience in corporate management as a consultant, coach and CEO of SMEs in Europe.

company contact
Jörg Truebl
Chli Ebnet 3
6403 Kuessnacht/Rigi
+41 41 817 72 00

Press contact
Maximilian Fischer
Chli Ebnet 3
6403 Kuessnacht/Rigi
+41 41 817 72 00

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