Home » Selle San Marco Shortfit 2.0 3D Carbon FX

Selle San Marco Shortfit 2.0 3D Carbon FX

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Selle San Marco Shortfit 2.0 3D Carbon FX

Test and accurate technical analysis for the first saddle from the Treviso company made using three-dimensional printing. From its sophisticated manufacturing technology comes an exclusive product in terms of look, all-round performance and logically price.

The San Marco Shortfit 2.0, in its various versions, is one of the most comfortable saddles on the market but above all capable of comfortably accommodating cyclists of any physical shape. In this new 3D version, aided by a carbon carriage, it offers the benefit of different elasticity in the areas on which the cyclist’s weight is placed in the various situations that can be found during a ride. In this way it is possible to balance the opposing characteristics of weight support and stress absorption at each point of the saddle according to the cyclist’s needs.

Materials and characteristics
The Shortfit 2.0 3D Carbon FX adopts a particular structure of overlapping lattices created using the three-dimensional printing system of the Californian company Carbon, which also produces the appropriate machines. “Wave” profile, carbon landing gear and “short fit” hull are common to the FX model, which we have already tested in the recent past.

The process with which the 3D structure that replaces the traditional padding is produced is called DLS (Digital Light Synthesis) and is very different from the classic 3D prints which progressively spread the material on the various levels. In DLS we start with a liquid that is exposed to UV light through a mask. At the points hit by the light, the liquid reacts to form a layer that sinks away from the surface to make room for a new layer. The finished product then emerges from the liquid to be subjected to a heat treatment which increases its resistance. The resulting 3D structure has no voids and has an almost invisible layer overlap.

The three-dimensional structure looks like an intertwined lattice, the basic shape is a three-pointed star which forms, in the empty spaces, a series of triangles. The structure is very open, with strong lighting it is possible to see the interior up to the hull.

The profile of the Shortfit 2.0 3D Carbon FX is slightly undulating or “waved”, with a flat front part and a depression in the central area that ends in the raised tail. The resulting support zone is approximately 60 mm long. The wings are inclined enough to create a narrow band that limits the support areas of the pelvis and consequently the pressure points to the bare minimum. Selle San Marco indicates this profile suitable for cyclists with excellent pelvic rotation but also for those with a pelvic retroversion (flat back) or an accentuated lumbar arch (pelvic anteversion).

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The hull is made of nylon loaded with carbon fibre. The shapes have a variable thickness reinforced by ribs and bridges arranged according to the area and load and are designed to increase rigidity while maintaining correct ergonomics and excellent durability over time without adding weight.

The super-light carriage is made of carbon fiber and adopts DNA (Dynamic Node Action) technology which brings with it a series of advantages: it prevents the carriage from twisting, it allows you to design a very narrow saddle in the toe area for maximum freedom of movement , makes the two rails extremely rigid with a longer central section which ensures greater space for forward-backward adjustment of the saddle.

For saddle positioning, in the central sector of the rails, we find a useful space of 50 mm with 2 mm subdivisions. The flat part of the rails is longer than 1 cm on each side. Selle San Marco suggests not using these spaces for extreme advancements of the saddle since, according to studies carried out, the length of the useful area is able to adapt to any user .

The Shortfit 2.0 3D Carbon FX is available only in the “Open-Fit” version with a large central drainage hole, a technical choice aimed at minimizing the discomfort caused by prolonged pressure on the pelvic area. There are two sizes: S3 with a hull width of 140 mm and L3 with a hull width of 155 mm. The declared weight varies from 182 grams of the S3 size subject of our test to 187 grams for the L3. On our scales the test specimen weighed 183 grams. The list price of the Shortfit 2.0 3D Carbon FX is 399.90 euros.

The new Shortfit 2.0 3D range from Selle San Marco is completed with the Racing version which adopts a stainless steel trolley, whose weights are 218 grams for the S3 and 223 grams for the L3 with a list price of 349.90 euros .

Surveys carried out
• Measured weight: 183 grams
• Hull length: 255.1 mm
• Maximum hull width: 140 mm
• Hull height: 45 mm (from the bottom edge to the top of the central portion)
• Trolley section: 9.8×7 mm
• Useful trolley segment: 50 mm
• Maximum distance between trolley and hull: 18 mm
• List price: 399.90 euros

Each product subjected to our test receives an opinion on the various objectively determinable functional aspects. Aesthetics and price are not considered, as they are considered parameters resulting from strictly subjective evaluations.
This is our scale of values.

The main characteristics are in alphabetical order, with our evaluation resulting from the test.

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• Comfort
• Ergonomics
• Finishes
• Cover grip
• Waterproof coating
• Overall coating quality
• Fast coating drying
• Coating resistance to rubbing
• Versatility of use

Our test
We traveled the roads of Versilia, the Lariano Triangle, hilly Brianza, Valsassina and Bergamasche Valleys, with challenging climbs and flat transfers with high averages. Road surface ranging from smooth and flowing to very damaged due to the passage of heavy vehicles. The climate varies from hot summers with peaks of +38°C to bitter cold winters around zero.

The differences with a traditional saddle are noticeable when you press your fingers, the structure is in fact very soft, with a much more accentuated elasticity along its entire length.

Thanks to Selle San Marco, who first provided us with a Shortfit 2.0 CFX and then the 3D version, we were able to analyze the differences and behavior between the two types of padding with the same support. To best prepare each tester spent at least two months pedaling on the traditional version and then mounted the 3D model without changing position and inclination.

From the first pedal stroke with the Shortfit 2.0 3D Carbon FX you can feel such a huge difference with traditional saddles that it makes a comparison impossible. 3D saddles are in a category of their own.

The support provided to the pelvis is solid, the support points are not accommodated by the padding but are positioned above the surface of the saddle or, rather, this is the sensation, in reality the structure deforms but, thanks to the properties of the material and the its shape, the deformation is targeted and occurs only at points subjected to pressure.

This “solidity” allows you to read the roughness of the asphalt very well and to feel the rear wheel very clearly, but also to perform the pedaling movement with greater freedom. The sensation that leaves you amazed right from the first meters is the extremely high level of comfort, it seems like you are suspended and at the same time you perceive solid support, the seat is comfortable without pressure at the support points and with the stresses of the road being almost filtered entirely from the saddle.

After a rapid period of getting used to, you can feel improvements in the fluidity of the pedaling and you realize the need to refine the positioning with small movements of the saddle. Above all, we adjusted the inclination until we reached the most natural, efficient and effective position with a marked rear support when climbing. The movement was minimal, but it’s worth spending a little time on this adjustment to make the most of the saddle’s characteristics. Once you have refined your riding position from the Shortfit 2.0 3D Carbon FX you will no longer want to get off.

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On the flat you pedal with an extremely high level of comfort, the 3D structure keeps the cyclist’s pelvis in the position of maximum efficiency and allows for fluid pedaling that improves as the kilometers pass. Its wave profile allows you to easily move forward or backward to follow the needs of the moment or changes in speed. The seat is stable and does not require compensating for small jolts with the back and leg muscles, reducing the cyclist’s energy expenditure who can thus maintain a constant performance for longer.

Uphill, pedaling is very efficient and effective, the shape of the saddle allows you to optimize the pushing phase on the pedals, the inclination of the tail makes its positive effect felt uphill, creating greater support in the rear part to allow the cyclist to use at best all the watts it has. In situations of maximum effort, when you move forward on the saddle, you can count on a reduced but always consistent surface suitable for your needs.

The 3D structure is ideal for long rides, five-six hours in the saddle pass without problems of rubbing or irritation. The large central hole completely relieves the perineal area from stress while the support is concentrated externally. The layer in contact with the shorts offers excellent grip, we have not detected abrasions or abnormal wear in the Lycra of the shorts and tights.

The finishes of the Shortfit 2.0 3D Carbon FX are extremely refined. The open and always visible 3D structure attracts glances and questions when stopping but also allows dirt to penetrate deeply, especially when cycling in the rain. To clean, simply wash it with running water by turning the saddle upside down to remove all the dirt. Simple method but difficult to implement when the saddle is mounted on the bike. After six months of intense use the Shortfit 2.0 3D Carbon FX appears in perfect condition and shows no signs of wear.

Inconveniences encountered during the test

– Selle San Marco website

Article and photos by Sergio Doria

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