Home » Russian Withdrawal from Black Sea Agreements Endangers Global Food Security, says UN

Russian Withdrawal from Black Sea Agreements Endangers Global Food Security, says UN

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Title: UN Accuses Russia of Endangering Global Food Security with Black Sea Withdrawal and Bombardments

Subtitle: United Nations Chief of Political Affairs warns of dire consequences for developing countries

United Nations Chief of Political Affairs, Rosemary DiCarlo, has accused Russia of jeopardizing food security in developing countries through its decision to withdraw from the Black Sea agreements. DiCarlo condemned Russia’s repeated bombardments of Ukrainian ports in recent days, stating that these actions will only exacerbate the crisis.

In a speech before the Security Council, DiCarlo emphasized the detrimental impact of the end of the Black Sea agreements and the attacks on crucial ports. She expressed concerns that these actions could have a significant effect on global food security, particularly in developing nations. DiCarlo also condemned Moscow’s “unacceptable” threats of attacking civilian ships in the Black Sea.

Since the beginning of the conflict, the Kremlin has sought to prevent the international fallout from causing a loss of support in the global south, where Russia maintains friendly relations with numerous governments. As part of its efforts, the country has announced its willingness to supply free grain to African countries after the suspension of the Black Sea export initiative for Ukrainian cereals. However, UN humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths warned that breaking this pact poses significant problems for vulnerable nations, particularly in Africa and the Middle East.

Griffiths highlighted that the termination of the Black Sea agreements has led to a drastic increase in global grain prices, potentially undoing the progress made over the past year in stabilizing markets. This surge in prices puts millions of people at risk of experiencing hunger. The UN humanitarian chief stressed that the most severe consequences will be felt by families in developing countries, who already allocate a significant portion of their income to basic food products such as wheat and corn.

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The UN’s accusation against Russia underscores the urgent need to address the economic and humanitarian repercussions caused by the withdrawal from the Black Sea agreements and the ongoing bombardments. In order to prevent further escalation and protect global food security, a swift resolution to the conflict is crucial. Failure to do so could have devastating consequences for vulnerable nations and undermine global efforts to combat hunger and poverty.

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