Home » Ukraine, after the US mess everything is in our hands: the point is to implement an active dissent

Ukraine, after the US mess everything is in our hands: the point is to implement an active dissent

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Ukraine, after the US mess everything is in our hands: the point is to implement an active dissent

Il US governmentsetting the conditions for a war to break out in Ukraine, made a huge mistake which goes against his interests. He noticed it and we are facing a crossroads that can quickly lead to a truce orescalation and then to nuclear war. We see. The USA, with the eastward expansion of NATO, the coup d’état in Maidan square in 2014 and then with thesupport for the Zelensky government in the war against the people of Donbass in full violation of the Minsk agreements, they set the conditions for a war with Russia to break out in Ukraine.

When Putin gave way to war, the US pledged to support the Ukrainian government in all ways and “until victory”. They did this until they turned the war in Ukraine into one proxy war where the Ukrainian people provide the cannon fodder and NATO directs military operations and manages the most technologically advanced weapons. They did so by preventing the war from escalating into a world conflict by not supplying Ukraine with weapons that could strike Russian soil outside the front line.

This war choice authoritatively made by Joe Biden firsthand was based on the prediction that in the intertwining of war and sanctions, the Russian economy would be shaken to the point of blowing up President Putin and perhaps territorially disrupt the Russia. Secondly, on the idea that in the war of position between NATO and Russia a sort of war could be determined stallas in Afghanistan, capable of keeping the Russians busy for years.

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The US government likewise had some goals. Firstly, weaken Russia as much as possible, secondly, crumble every economic and political relationship between Russia and Europe, striking at the heart of the strength ofthe German industrial system and thus making the European Union a US protectorate on a military, political and economic level. Thirdly, by determining the relaunch of theUS hegemony worldwide: guarantor of freedom and able to punish those who dare to rebel.

After a year the only one objective what has been achieved is the downgrading of Europe from a regional power to a US protectorate governed by a cowardly political class and a comprador bourgeoisie incapable of defending its interests in the geopolitical sphere. Otherwise nothing worked for the US. L’Russian economy not only has it not collapsed, but the war has favored an unprecedented convergence between China and Russia and the system of sanctions is favoring the construction of an alternative financial market to the dollar. Instead of reviving its imperial power, the USA has favored the emergence of a multipolar world which US action tends to lead to bipolar disorder.

In the world, apart from Europe, Japan, South Korea and the former British Empire, the USA has not registered consent to their action and the peoples of the southern hemisphere, after years of “international police” actions, consider the issue of freedom a pure rhetorical device used by the USA to serve their interests. On the battlefieldin the bloody war of position currently underway, the Russians are slowly gaining the upper hand.

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In this situation it grows in the public opinion of Western countries l‘aversion for a war whose only concrete effect is enormous military spending and the worsening of the living conditions of large popular masses. The US cannot therefore go on like this, because this would lead them to lose the war and to suffer a very strong blow to their hegemony. It would be evident to the world that the American empire no longer has the power it used to. This obliges the US to a change of pace and at a turning point: either negotiation or military escalation to cover up one’s mistakes relating to proxy war within a generalized war.

That’s the point and on that the power of the Western peoples It is huge. It is quite evident that the dominant political apparatuses of the West are divided and – paradoxically – those who have the most sensible positions are the top military officials. The political classes, losing consensus, are divided between those who want to stop and those who think of relaunching. In this situation it must be clear that the power to direct the decisions of the elites who rule is largely in the hands of Western peoples. Peoples have been persuaded to think they have no no power Why “There is no alternative”.

However, this sense of helplessness inculcated by pounding brainwashing that lasted decades is false. It’s the opposite of the truth. They will be there public opinions to determine the conditions if the absurd Ukrainian conflict will end with a compromise based on security or if it will take the path of escalation and nuclear war. Everything is in our hands. The point is the transformation of a passive dissent in a active dissent. Let’s rapidly expand the mobilization for peace and the negotiation in every way and involving the entire Italian population: also thanks to the Pope, the most pacifist of all the West.

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