Home » We know how war begins, not how it ends: are we doing everything to avoid the abyss?

We know how war begins, not how it ends: are we doing everything to avoid the abyss?

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We know how war begins, not how it ends: are we doing everything to avoid the abyss?

by Arthur Spring

Zelenksy on tour and his offenses against the Pope, Italian and European politicians, the European Parliament, Biden, the G7 war in Hiroshima (paradoxically), all interventionists: here are the small signs everywhere that announce, almost without being noticed, the approach of the thunder Of the war. But we are deaf, we don’t realize it, or we don’t consider the consequences. Many don’t care, or if they care it’s to establish who is the good guy and the bad guy.

Perhaps many do not imagine that war does not only involve the military, but also and above all the civilians. The sweet war for those who haven’t tried it, the war that everyone pretends to hate, talking about peace, but that few make, day after day, more and more awful. Who will be the material culprit sooner or later will be discovered, according to who will win the dispute. But the principals, direct and indirect, the hidden and the indirect ones, will be more difficult to track down: not only the ruling class of the Federation who unleashed the aggression, but whoever, in power elsewhere, he could have avoided it and he didn’t; who even expected Russia to behave in a certain way and did everything in this direction; who cloaks himself in words like freedom (ah, how many misdeeds are committed in your name!), democracy, those who speak of peace (only the right one, though) and send arms (those that save lives, as shamelessly titled by Republic), who goes to bother even the Resistence (the real one, the noble one, the anti-fascist one), who shouts, spurs and insults parliamentary assemblies reduced to sheep, and talks about final victory (reminds me of someone locked up in a shelter in Berlin in 1945); who rubs his hands for the gains that he will be able to make on the skin of others and in the meantime flaunts an elderly president, once a clever politician, who today does not know what he is saying; who, being a journalist, only proclaims what he has been ordered to, or what he should say, or what seems more likely to him out of prejudice, becoming increasingly aggressive and more prevaricator; who, overwhelmed by an emotion caused by information that is propaganda, curses those who think differently and isolates them (the Putinians), without feeling indignation, however, for analogous events of the many other unfortunates that wars, also caused in the name of our well-being, have been creating in the world for many years.

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But in the meantime we are getting closer and closer to the catastrophe: war, of which we often do not know how it begins, but never how it ends: not even the most ferocious dictators of the twentieth century would have waged a single battle, if they had foreseen the end that their nations and themselves would have made.

Politicians, except a few, accelerate, as if they were hypnotized by who knows what: in Europe the ineffable Von der Leyen, who speaks of war, but is not subject to any political union; in the Nato Stoltenberg, with his fixed gaze and the confused speech of an interventionist; while in Italy the Prime Minister went back on what she said (or rather shouted) in the past and prostrated herself to the end at US orders, without any shame.

People, peoples remain, and I ask myself: are we really doing everything to avoid falling into the abyss? I see a few men of sense and good will, including the Pope, desperately trying to warn us of the danger, but their actions, their thoughts, their words, when they are not completely obscured or misunderstood by the media, I am he laughed by self-styled experts and information.

Except for some unconscious (in the sense of unconscious), most of us have this instead distress, who however lives as in a dream, almost without will; the hope that war, no, it won’t take place: but it’s already there! The conflict just needs to expand. I think, however, that the time has come to make ourselves heard, to support those groups, those often transversal movements, those politicians of all orientations who work against war.

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