Home » Weekly horoscope from July 10 to 16, 2023 | Entertainment

Weekly horoscope from July 10 to 16, 2023 | Entertainment

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Weekly horoscope from July 10 to 16, 2023 |  Entertainment

Read the weekly horoscope for the period from July 10 to 16, 2023!

Izvor: Shutterstock/Viacheslav Lopatin

The weekly horoscope from July 10 to 16, 2023 says that Aries should not rely on others for help or advice this week, neither in serious matters nor in small matters. During this period, even those who are closest to you will prove to be very selfish, will not come to meet you when you need it or, despite the promise made, will let you down. If you rely on your strengths, you will be much better at solving problems. Lovers can count on their feelings to be reciprocated. Your best days will be Thursday and Sunday.


For many Taurus, this Sunday can seem like “the end of the world“. The turmoil that has accumulated at work and in your private life can seriously undermine not only your emotional state, but also your faith in humanity. Do not give in to these dark thoughts, your loved ones will do their best to support you, and everything will be fine by the end of Sunday. In fact, the results of your work and efforts will exceed all expectations. Your best days will be Friday and Saturday.


Gemini will receive unexpected support from powerful people in positions this Sunday. However, some old problems that you have been putting off for a long time can come back to you like a boomerang and force you to deal with them. Don’t be surprised if solving these problems takes more money out of your wallet. When it comes to love, many Geminis will find themselves at a crossroads: it’s up to you whether you end the relationship or try to mend it. Your best days will be Monday and Thursday.

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The weekly horoscope from July 10 to 16, 2023 says that Cancers will spend the whole Sunday making many useful acquaintances and at “business gatherings”. Time is short, but try to get everywhere on time and don’t be late anywhere – a lot will depend on this. The information you receive during this period can be misleading, be careful. Double check everything. Cancers, who are just starting to build new love relationships, have every chance of success. Your best days will be Wednesday and Sunday.


Leos are not recommended to make important financial decisions this Sunday. Take a time-out and properly analyze the situation, weigh the pros and cons. Even if your wallet is empty right now, don’t worry about tomorrow – everything will be better soon. A romantic acquaintance awaits the free Leos in a completely unexpected place. Passions will flare. Your best days will be Friday and Sunday.


Virgos need to be encouraged and decide to take some unexpected steps if they want success this week. Force yourself to leave your comfort zone and take on challenges – success will not fail. Do not reject new business proposals – one of them can be a springboard for a better future. In your love life, you should not push to take the relationship to a higher level or to change something. Let everything go as usual. Your best days will be Tuesday and Thursday.


This Sunday, Libra will feel a strong energy boost, so they will find a way out of the most confusing situations without much difficulty. Just don’t follow the beaten path, or the line of least resistance. Show originality in thinking and an innovative approach. This is how you will attract allies. Fortune will also smile on those who have been looking for love for a long time, but not very successfully. The best days will be Thursday and Sunday.

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The stars advise Scorpios to focus on work this Sunday, otherwise you may miss out on great opportunities. In the coming days, you will especially have success related to some paperwork, concluding transactions. True, it is possible that the partner will be dissatisfied with your constant engagement, he will feel neglected. Try to avoid an argument, try to explain everything to him calmly. The best days will be Friday and Saturday.


The weekly horoscope from June 10 to 16, 2023 says that Sagittarius will be focused on work almost all week – and rightly so. This is the most favorable moment for establishing contact with management, making useful contacts and concluding important deals. Also during this period you can count on the support of friends and partners, and family relations will improve drastically. Take care of your health, your immunity is bad. The best days will be Tuesday and Saturday.


This Sunday, Capricorns will deal with “boring”, everyday tasks that do not bring great success, but it is necessary to do them. On the other hand, a lot of hanging out with friends, going out, parties and sitting around awaits you, you will really enjoy it! A situation may arise at work during which it is not worth arguing with superiors. The “I’d rather not say anything” tactic will also be relevant at home: let your spouse be a little whimsical. The best days will be Wednesday and Sunday.


A great Sunday for Aquarians. You successfully complete tasks, and at the end of the week you start new ones. It would be good if you don’t work alone, gather a team you trust, you will be even more successful. Your love situation is in your favor. You have plenty of suitors, the only question is who to choose. First, find out what you need most at this moment – romance or adventure. Everything will be easier later. Your best days will be Monday and Thursday.

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The weekly horoscope from June 19 to 25, 2023, advises Pisces to turn to themselves, to devote themselves to a deeper analysis of their actions and to look at the situation at work a little more realistically. Is it possible that they all conspired against you, as you seem? In love, you could be a little more gentle and relaxed, the fear of being hurt will not bring you joy in the long run. Your best days will be Tuesday and Saturday.


00:59 THE SINGER CAME TO PROMOTE THE SONG AND BECAME THE ASTROLOGER ON DUTY ON THE RADIO: Communication with people is easier because I know the basics of horoscopes Source: Kurir televizija

Source: Kurir television


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