Home » Remove aphids on cucumber plants with biological means

Remove aphids on cucumber plants with biological means

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Remove aphids on cucumber plants with biological means

Cucumbers are one of the freshest vegetables in the summer garden. But they are also prone to pests that are sometimes difficult to get rid of. If you find aphids on cucumber plants, you need to get rid of them immediately. Getting rid of aphids on cucumbers can be done naturally. Learn what home remedies and natural methods you can use to help you grow healthy plants.

How do you recognize an aphid infestation

Aphids are devastating to many garden plants. They cause a number of problems, so watch out for the following:

  • The leaves of the plants are misshapen, curled up or yellow.
  • Sticky substance is left on the stalk of cucumbers by the pests.
  • You can find small bugs on the opposite part of the leaf, on the stem and on the root of the plant.
  • The cucumbers grow deformed.

Fight aphids on cucumber plants naturally

What helps against aphids on cucumber plants? Chemical agents are definitely not a good choice because they damage nature and people. Luckily, there are some simple and natural methods that can help you successfully remove lice on cucumbers.

Manually remove aphids

The easiest method is to remove the pests manually. You can get rid of aphids very quickly by taking a dry paper towel and plucking the aphids from the individual cucumber leaves. Be careful not to leave any live pests behind. Then you can use a damp paper towel to remove residue from the leaves to prevent further pests from infesting your plant.

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Use a hose to spray the leaves

spray the underside of the cucumber leaves liberally with the high power setting of your hose

Another harmless and simple method of controlling the pests is water spraying. Spray the underside of the cucumber leaves liberally with your hose’s high power setting to get rid of the pests. Let the sheets dry and check again. If all lice are not gone, spray again. Repeat the process until all lice are gone.

Attract beneficial insects and birds to your garden

Many gardeners know that ladybugs and lacewings eat aphids, and attracting them to the garden is the most effective and fastest way to get rid of the pests. Ladybugs and lacewings eat aphid eggs and larvae, preventing large infestations.

One of the easiest ways to attract these beneficial insects to your garden is with flowering plants. Plants such as B. eggnog, marigolds, elecampane, buckwheat and echinacea. Flowering herbs like dill, fennel, parsley, thyme, and mint are also magnets for predators. Grow these plants alongside your vegetables.

There are also birds that eat aphids on cucumber plants. Birds like tits are the best animals to lure to eat large quantities of adult aphids.

How to fight aphids on cucumber plants with home remedies

aphids on cucumber plants are combated using natural methods and home remedies

Some home remedies are effective against aphids. You probably have these at home and it is very easy to remove the pests with home remedies.

Try essential oils

Gardeners know that essential oils are effective in getting rid of aphids. You can prepare a simple mixture yourself. Use 4 to 5 drops of peppermint, clove, rosemary and thyme and mix them with 1 cup of water. Spray it daily on the cucumber plants with aphids. Repeat the process until all aphids are gone.

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With neem oil you can prevent aphid infestation

This is one of the most effective ways to prevent aphids. Simply prepare a mixture of neem oil and water in a sprayer and apply to your plants. For best results, spray your cucumbers several times before spring to destroy aphid eggs and repel adult aphids. Neem oil is not harmful, it does not kill hard-shelled beneficial insects and bees.

Control aphids on cucumber plants with insecticidal soap

you can make insecticidal soap with or without oil

If large numbers of aphids are infesting your cucumbers, you can use a traditional aphid control agent such as B. insecticidal soap. Composed of potassium and fatty acids, it can kill aphids without harming plants, animals or humans.

How to make insecticidal soap yourself

You can make insecticidal soap with or without oil. Technically, oil is not necessary for the soap to work. However, the addition of oil increases the effectiveness of the spray and extends its shelf life.

How to make your insecticidal soap spray without oil:

Take a clean spray bottle for your mixture. Mix 3 or 4 tablespoons of soap per liter of water and use the mixture immediately. When spraying, liberally drench both the top and undersides of the leaves and spray any visible insects directly. The spray must come in direct contact with the pest to be effective.

Prepare an insecticidal soap with oil

You can make the mixture with oil yourself that easily. Mix 1 tablespoon of soap with 1 cup of cooking oil and emulsify by shaking the jar vigorously. If using the mixture, mix 1 to 2 1/2 teaspoons of this base per 1 cup of water in a clean spray bottle and spray immediately. The same applies here: spray the plants generously from all sides.

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