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8 Healthy Habits Linked to Increased Life Expectancy: New Study Reveals the Key to Longevity

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8 Healthy Habits Linked to Increased Life Expectancy: New Study Reveals the Key to Longevity

Becoming long-lived in good health: The new frontier of preventive medicine

Annual study reveals 8 healthy habits that can lead to at least 20 years of extended life expectancy

Preventing age-related diseases and maintaining good health is the latest focus of preventive medicine. A recent scientific study presented at NUTRITION 2023, the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition, sheds light on the importance of adopting healthy habits to increase life expectancy. Led by Xuan-Mai T. Nguyen, a health sciences specialist at the Department of Veterans Affairs and fourth-year medical student at Carle Illinois College of Medicine, the study examined over 700,000 US veterans to identify key lifestyle factors that contribute to a longer and healthier life.

The findings of the study revealed that there are 8 habits, when adopted in middle age, that can result in a significant extension of life expectancy. Based on data collected between 2011 and 2019 from medical records and questionnaires of adults aged between 40 and 99 years, the study emphasizes the association of these habits with the years gained in health.

The 8 healthy habits:

  1. 95% of food must come from plants
  2. Limit meat consumption to no more than twice a week
  3. Include legumes in daily meals
  4. Consume up to 85 grams of fish per day
  5. Reduce dairy products and fatty cheeses
  6. Consume a maximum of four eggs per week
  7. Eat a handful of nuts as a snack
  8. Avoid added sugars

According to the study, men who adhered to all 8 habits by the age of 40 experienced an average of 24 more years of life compared to men who did not practice any of these habits. For women, adopting the 8 healthy lifestyle factors in midlife was associated with an additional 21 years of life expectancy compared to women without any of these habits.

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Certain lifestyle factors had a greater impact on life expectancy. The study revealed that low physical activity, opioid use, and smoking were associated with a 30-45% increased risk of death. Additionally, stress, binge drinking, poor diet, poor sleep hygiene, and lack of positive social relationships were linked to a 20% increased risk of death. However, the study highlights that it is never too late to adopt healthier habits and increase life expectancy. Even in old age, adopting these habits can still have a significant impact on longevity.

While the study is observational and not peer-reviewed, it aligns with a growing body of research emphasizing the role of lifestyle in preventing chronic diseases and promoting healthy aging. The findings serve as a wake-up call for individuals to start adopting healthier habits, as it is never too late to make a positive change and increase life expectancy.

Italy: Long-lived, but not healthy enough

Despite its reputation for being the home of long-lived individuals, a recent report has highlighted that Italy still struggles with overall health. While Italians have a higher life expectancy compared to many other countries, their health status does not match their longevity.

The report emphasizes the importance of maintaining weight control and muscle health to ensure a long and healthy life. While Italians may have longevity on their side, efforts should be focused on adopting healthier lifestyles to improve overall health and well-being.

In conclusion, the new frontier of preventive medicine is centered around achieving long life in good health. The study presented at NUTRITION 2023 emphasizes the significance of adopting certain lifestyle habits to extend life expectancy. It is never too late to make positive changes and reap the benefits of a healthier lifestyle, regardless of age.

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