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Wolfgang Skischally about pollutants and their effects on the body

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Wolfgang Skischally about pollutants and their effects on the body

From Wolfgang Skischally’s point of view, environmental pollution and health are closely related

Wolfgang Skischally Sanofit

Toxins, explains Wolfgang Skischally, can have diverse and sometimes serious health effects, from respiratory diseases to neurological disorders and even cancer. Advancing scientific discourse is increasingly revealing the complex connections between environmental pollution and human health, thereby increasing awareness of environmental protection and prevention. Below, the expert takes a closer look at forms of environmental pollution and their possible consequences.


-Air pollution has many sources and effects

-Heavy metals have enormous consequences

-Wolfgang Skischally addresses the impact of agricultural chemicals

-Microplastics are omnipresent

-What does drinking water contain?

-Radioactivity and electromagnetic radiation


Air pollution is a global phenomenon with significant impacts on public health. It arises from a variety of sources, including transport, industry and agriculture, and leads to increased concentrations of pollutants such as nitrogen oxides, ozone and particulate matter in the atmosphere. These pollutants can penetrate deep into the respiratory tract and cause or worsen chronic diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Both asthma and COPD are characterized by inflammatory processes that narrow the airways and make breathing difficult. Scientific research highlights the causal connection between air pollution and the increase in respiratory diseases. In Wolfgang Skischally’s opinion, this emphasizes the urgency of air pollution control and prevention measures in order to protect the health of the population.


Heavy metals such as lead, mercury and cadmium are toxic elements whose presence in the environment poses serious health risks. These metals enter the air, water and food through industrial emissions, waste and agricultural practices. They can build up in organs and lead to a number of diseases. For example, lead exposure can cause neurological damage and behavioral problems, especially in children. But Wolfgang Skischally also points out mercury. It is known for its neurotoxic effects and can damage the nervous system. Cadmium can cause kidney damage and osteoporosis. These metals are often absorbed unnoticed through contaminated food, drinking water or breathing air.

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Pesticides and herbicides play a central role in modern agriculture, but have worrying consequences for the environment and health. These chemicals can enter the human body through the food chain and waterways and cause various diseases. There is strong evidence linking exposure to certain pesticides to an increased risk of neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s. This disease is characterized by the death of dopamine-producing cells, resulting in tremors, stiffness, and restricted movement. The environment also suffers from the use of pesticides and herbicides, as they can harm soils, water sources, and non-target plant and animal species. From Wolfgang Skischally’s point of view, the conscious and reduced use of these substances is crucial in order to minimize the ecological and health risks.


Microplastics pose an increasing burden on the environment and health. They are created by the decomposition of plastic products and thus enter ecosystems, waterways and ultimately food sources. Found in water and food, consumption of microplastics is almost unavoidable, and its health effects are the subject of intensive research. Microplastics can carry and release toxic substances into the human body, increasing the risk of inflammation, cell damage and other health problems. Wolfgang Skischally explains that the microscopic plastic waste can also be ingested by marine animals and thus enters the human organism via the food chain.


Drug residues in water are a worrying and, according to Wolfgang Skischally, often overlooked problem. They enter the water supply primarily through improper disposal and human waste and can survive conventional water purification processes. Exposure to these residues poses potential risks to human health, such as endocrine disruption and antibiotic resistance. Scientific research indicates that long-term exposure, even in small amounts, can have significant health effects.


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Radiation, both ionizing and non-ionizing, can have significant effects on the human body. Ionizing radiation, such as radioactivity, can damage DNA and increase the risk of cancer, while the effects of non-ionizing radiation, such as that found in electromagnetic fields, are the subject of ongoing research. Electromagnetic fields are omnipresent, triggered by devices such as cell phones and WiFi routers. There are fears and debates about possible health risks, including headaches, sleep problems and even an increased risk of certain cancers. Although definitive conclusions are still pending, preliminary results for Wolfgang Skischally clearly underline the need for precautionary measures.

Based in picturesque Widnau in Switzerland, Sanofit GmbH is a leading company in the field of health and radiation protection. Since its founding, Sanofit GmbH has made it its mission to raise awareness of invisible radiation exposure and to provide solutions. The expertise extends to identifying field and radiation exposures both outdoors and indoors.

Sanofit is not just a company, but also a movement and is regularly present at trade fair events and lectures to share its knowledge

Company contact
Sanofit GmbH
Wolfgang Skischally
Industriestrasse 64 -68
9443 Windows
+41 71511 22 69
+41 7946 90 667

Press contact
Sanofit GmbH
Wolfgang Skischally
Industriestrasse 64 -68
9443 Windows
+41 71511 22 69
+41 7946 90 667

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