Home » No more flabby, soft and curtain-effect arms thanks to these 3 simple and very effective exercises perfect even at 50 years old

No more flabby, soft and curtain-effect arms thanks to these 3 simple and very effective exercises perfect even at 50 years old

by admin

The passing of the years leaves evident marks on our body. There is no doubt that today there are a lot of very young 50-year-olds who do not show their real age. After all, a good mix of beauty treatments, workouts in the gym and some clever tricks in dressing can work a miracle. Despite all this, however, there are some parts of the body that betray. Let’s think, for example, of the skin of the neck and those ugly wrinkles that furrow the face when we smile or make certain expressions.

Another very critical part of the body for women are the arms. In winter we hide them easily, but in summer they are on display. To keep your arms toned, just pay a little attention to them every day by performing specific and well-targeted exercises.

No more flabby, soft and curtain-effect arms thanks to these 3 simple and very effective exercises perfect even at 50 years old

To reduce the tendency effect from our arms we must go to work mainly two muscles: the triceps and the biceps. Let’s start!

Extension of the triceps

Grasp a weight, kettlebell, or dumbbell with both hands. Otherwise, a full bottle of water is fine. Then stretch the arms above the head with the elbows facing outwards. Bust straight and abdomen in contraction. At this point, bend both elbows and bring the weight behind the head, at the height of the neck. When performing the movement, keep the upper arms still and move only the forearms, which is the portion from the elbow down.

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Repeat 10-12 times 3 times with a 30 second pause between each series.


Standing and standing. Feet hip-width apart and knees slightly bent. Grasp a weight or dumbbell in each hand while keeping the palms facing up. At this point, keeping the upper arms still, bend the elbows bringing the weights towards the chest and then lower them back to the starting position. Perform the movement slowly and without too much momentum to avoid jerking.

We can perform the movement in sync (both arms together) or alternating, one arm at a time.

During the execution the torso is straight and the abdomen in constant tension.

Do 12-15 reps on each side 3 times, with a 30 second break between sets.


Stand up, position yourself in front of a chair and with your back to it.

Place your hands on the edge of the chair keeping your arms close to your hips and your elbows slightly extended inwards.

Go down slowly (without ever touching the ground with your buttocks) and then, using strength on your arms, straighten your elbows.

To begin, it is recommended that you keep your feet close to the chair and bend your knees. When you are sufficiently trained, you can intensify the exercise by doing it with your legs stretched out. The further away the feet are from the rest of the body, the more intense the exercise will be.

Again, do 12-15 reps for 3 rounds with a 30 second rest interval.

And so, no more flabby, soft and curtain-effect arms thanks to these 3 simple and very effective exercises perfect even at 50 years old.

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For a complete and even more effective circuit, remember the importance of static exercises.

Even the plank, in fact, in all its variants, also trains the upper limbs intensely.


Flat stomach and sculpted abs to be the envy of these exercises that can be done in 15 minutes comfortably even at home

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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