Home » bad habits that increase the risk of disease

bad habits that increase the risk of disease

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There are everyday habits that are wrong and we know it very well, some could increase the risk of Alzheimer’s.

Alzheimer (da Pixabay)

The Alzheimer’s disease it is a disease that involves the brain and is a slow degeneration of its functions. It manifests itself with various symptoms including memory loss, difficulty in remembering certain terms, difficulty in reasoning, confusion. It is a disease that leads the person to no longer be self-sufficient and in most cases it occurs after the age of 65.

It is the most common form of dementia and millions of people suffer from it. The numbers, unfortunately, are set to increase in the coming years based on a study carried out in the United States. Medicine is trying to do research and experimentation as much as possible to try to better understand this ailment and try to prevent it.

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There are some things that can be done to decrease the risk to meet Alzheimer’s. We see below some habits completely wrong, widespread, but which absolutely must be changed.

Alzheimer’s: habits that increase the risk of disease

Alzheimer’s disease (from Adobe Stock)

Maybe some things may seem a bit obvious, but you have to have the strength to try to change them if you care about your health. The things you absolutely must to avoid are these:

  • Don’t keep your body moving: a sedentary lifestyle is one of the sworn enemies of health. A little exercise reduces the risk of disease by up to 50% and is proven by scholars. Especially between the ages of 40 and 60 you have to make an effort to do any kind of physical activity, including walking or cycling. This will go a long way in protecting the brain from dementia;
  • Having the wrong diet: we know very well that nutrition is essential for the health of our body. Having a wrong diet, that is unbalanced and unhealthy, can introduce harmful substances and not the right ones for prevention. The most recommended is the Mediterranean diet;
  • Get little sleep: many make the mistake of believing that rest is not important. This is also crucial. In the phase in which we rest our body continues to work and can only do it if we help it. The brain at night discharges all that is harmful and unnecessary and this is a very useful aspect in the case of Alzheimer’s disease;
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  • Drinking too much alcohol or not drinking at all: it is known that drinking too much is bad, however a study conducted on both men and women has shown that drinking a glass of wine a day clears the mind and is useful for the brain;
  • Isolate yourself: do not make the mistake of withdrawing into oneself. Again, studies have shown that a continuous connection with others is crucial in preventing the disease.

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