Home » Here’s how to train your brain regularly and effectively to keep it agile, snappy and prevent aging

Here’s how to train your brain regularly and effectively to keep it agile, snappy and prevent aging

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Aging is a physiological process and should not be considered a disease. Unfortunately, however, it may be associated with a higher risk of developing a decline in cognitive function. For this reason it is necessary to adopt strategies to preserve brain health during old age. In fact, just as muscles are trained, it is also possible to exercise the mind by promoting the ability to think, attention and concentration.

Here’s how to train your brain regularly and effectively to keep it agile, snappy and prevent aging

Keeping fit is everyone’s dream and to ensure a peaceful old age you don’t need to waste energy through wrong lifestyles. Without sacrifices and with a pinch of pleasure, you have to learn and take care not only of your body, but also of your mind.

Nutrition would play a fundamental role. It is important to regularly consume whole grains, fish, leafy vegetables, fresh fruit, nuts, green tea, dark chocolate, and lots of water. Excessive use of alcohol and smoking should be avoided.

A sedentary lifestyle and insomnia would also be enemies of a good memory. During physical activity, the body releases chemicals that help the memory strengthening mechanism, thus reducing the risk of some degenerative diseases. Similarly, the connections between neurons reorganize themselves during the night. So resting well would have a positive effect on the efficiency of the brain.

A brilliant and creative mental activity would also be favored by the attitude adopted in the face of reality. Humankind tends to be dissatisfied, but various scientific researches have instead shown that an optimistic attitude would increase cognitive flexibility. Transforming negative thinking into positive is a mental training that would give well-being and stimulate creativity.

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The same benefits would be obtained from a full and satisfying social life. Attending a group of friends and sharing experiences with them would train language, reasoning and attention.

Finally, to keep brain performance active, it would also be important to do mental gymnastics, which would improve attention, memory, creativity, concentration and coordination.

Some exercises to train the brain

Doing mental exercises regularly, even for just a few minutes a day, could make a huge difference in activating and strengthening the brain.

It is important to intensify your mental calculations, to memorize songs, phone numbers or the shopping list, to read a good book or to do crosswords. There are other simple exercises: in 60 seconds, name words that, for example, begin with A or that belong to a category such as colors, animals, means of transport or city. Spelling backwards, playing cards or chess can also be very valuable activities.

Here, then, is how to train the brain regularly and effectively to keep it always agile, snappy and prevent aging. These are simple advice and attitudes which, however, could change the quality of life.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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