Home » Breakfast, 3 mistakes not to be underestimated, read carefully! Nutritionists say so

Breakfast, 3 mistakes not to be underestimated, read carefully! Nutritionists say so

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Breakfast, 3 mistakes not to be underestimated, read carefully!  Nutritionists say so

As soon as you wake up it is important to set your body in motion, filling up with energy to face the day with vitality. However, the fuel must be the right one and therefore rich in the necessary nutrients.

Smart breakfast (Photo by congerdesign from Pixabay)


The Breakfast, you know, it is one of the most important meals of the day. The moment that allows the body to gather all the forces necessary to get off to a great start and face the day that awaits in the following hours with vitality.

Between the 5 daily meals it is objectively the most important one and precisely for this reason it must be carried out in the most effective way possible.

You need to take your time, eat calmly, hydrate yourself sufficiently and especially don’t make it too late with shortened timing then with the following lunch.

It must be done at least 30 minutes after the alarm sounds, (BETTER IF AFTER A BEAUTIFUL 30 MINUTE WALK!) as nutritionists say.

However, in order not to run into gross errors that will put the physical energy of the day at risk, it is essential not to make some mistakes that many people do without thinking about it.

As good Italians we are used to a sweet breakfast, but what does this entail? Have you ever wondered what alternatives there are if you want to get energy to spend over the long term?

So let’s see the three main mistakes not to make at breakfast, they are very important suggestions if you want to live better and longer.

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For Italians, croissant and cappuccino, or milk and biscuits is a must. Yet, this is not the best choice you can make, especially if you are aware of having a busy and tiring day full of commitments.

Breakfast, how to start the day with vitality: 3 useful tips to respect

For nutritionists, the first big mistake is to start the day by hiring foods rich in sugar.

Perhaps few of you know this, but 100 g of sugar reduces the immune system to almost zero by 5 hours, a serious blow if you have to stay focused on books or go to work in a factory or an office to do accounts.


chocolate brioche Michelle Hunziker unveils breakfast
Chocolate Brioche (Photo by Amanda Hemphill from Pexels)

Lo sugar is addictive and it is difficult to detoxify, especially because the more you take, the more you try.

In particular, white and cane (not raw) can cause drowsiness and chronic fatigue, cause digestive tract problems, but also heaviness, problems such as colitis, diarrhea, constipation and other intestinal tract disorders.

The second error is instead the not getting enough fiber excellent for promoting the intestinal tract. Fresh fruit such as kiwi or apples is fine, but also a juice or smoothie made with ginger, orange and carrot is a panacea to avoid constipation and swelling later during the day.

The last, but not least, is the do not consume protein for breakfast. Protein is the indispensable fuel for moving muscles and internal organs. If carbohydrates start the engine, proteins instead oil the gears and are the gasoline that drives the car forward.

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Introducing turkey breast with peanut butter, or scrambled eggs or even smoked salmon with avocado are all great alternatives for do not raise your glycemic peak and make the body deficient just a few hours after having the first meal of the day.

poached egg how long it takes to cook
Savory waffle with avocado, salmon and poached egg (photo from pexels of lisaweta)

Have you ever noticed that if you eat a croissant you are hungry just 30 minutes later? The sugars are burned immediately, the proteins instead they are deferred and disposed of in much longer time (hours) allowing you not to arrive at lunch hungry and in search of sugars and complex carbohydrates with which to feed.

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