Home » Not all of them are effective and some are even harmful, here are the worst diets for health

Not all of them are effective and some are even harmful, here are the worst diets for health

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Not all of them are effective and some are even harmful, here are the worst diets for health

Having a healthy diet is essential, but so is throwing off those extra pounds that don’t make us feel good about ourselves. Nowadays there are many diets that promise to get back in shape in no time, but is it really like that? Let’s see what they are worst diets for health.

What are the worst diets for health? The word to the experts

The secret to having a long life? A mix of healthy eating and a little daily movement. Needless to hide it: diet and sport cannot exist without each other, at least when it comes to psycho-physical wellbeing. Yet, nowadays, there are many diet regimens that promise to achieve some weight loss in no time. From the Dukan diet to intermittent fasting, passing through ketogenic: the results are there, but they are really good for your health salute? The answer is no.

According to Dr Nicola Sorrentinospecialized in Food Science and Dietetics and author of several books on the subject, it is essential that diets have a correct balance between nutrients. Furthermore, the emotional state of the patient should never be underestimated, as in some periods – whether due to stress or other problems – he can vent his frustrations on food. It is important not to give in to the charm of DIY, but to rely on an expert. Only a doctor can study an ad hoc diet, which varies from person to person.

Worst diets: from Dukan to ketogenic, passing through high protein

The worst diets for health are the All of themthe ketogenic and thehigh protein: Dr. Sorrentino’s word. These are diets that eliminate carbohydrates in favor of proteins and lipids. In doing so, however, the consumption of animal proteins and saturated fats increases, with the risk of seeing cholesterol and blood sugar levels rise. In essence, the balance between nutrients is pretty much absent.

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They actually make you lose weight, but they hurt if protracted over time and in any case they must be undertaken under medical supervision. Following these diets is also quite easy because the doses of protein and fat-based foods can be increased at will. But what happens if simple sugars are added on the third day of the diet? The lost kilos are thrown away because the cycle of ketone bodies that have allowed weight loss is interrupted“said Sorrentino a Vanity Fair.

Whether it’s Dukan or the ketogenic, these diets are unbalanced and could cause serious damage to the body. This is why DIY is strongly discouraged. Those who decide to follow a diet of this type should always be followed by a doctor.

Worst diets: watch out for vegetarian / vegetarian and gluten free

The diet deserves a separate discussion vegetarian or vegan. In most cases, those who opt for these eating styles do so for ethical reasons, not for weight loss. That’s why they should never be mistaken for slimming regimes. The error, in fact, is around the corner. Think, for example, ai vegetarians who replace meat with cheese: the calories of the latter are high. Or, to the vegan who consumes several quantities of chickpeas. A plate of pasta is less caloric. Therefore, even in this case, the help of a specialist is recommended to achieve the correct nutritional balance.

As for the diet gluten free, this is only indicated for those who really have problems. “Except in cases where there is a test-proven gluten intolerance, it is a mistake to abolish all foods containing it from the table. Those suffering from celiac disease must eat gluten-free, but this does not mean that this diet makes you lose weight, on the contrary, much more caloric substitute ingredients are sometimes used“said Sorrentino.

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Why look further when we have the Mediterranean diet?

All the rage lately is the intermittent fasting, but watch out because it’s not needed to lose weight. It helps fight the aging of the body, but it doesn’t allow you to throw off the extra pounds. In the light of what has been said, the question arises: why look beyond when we have the Mediterranean diet? Dr. Sorrentino stressed: “The most balanced diet is undoubtedly the Mediterranean diet, but always putting common sense first at the table, the Mediterranean diet does not mean green light to pasta or large quantities of fruit that increase the glycemic index“.

In essence, to lose weight it is good to seek help from a doctor. It will take commitment and perseverance, but the results will be seen and, above all, they will be possible maintain over time. Obviously, balance remains the mantra to repeat, even after the end of the diet. Perhaps, rather than talking about a diet, it should be adopted as lifestyle.

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