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Pnrr, all the actors involved at the Sole 24 Ore conference

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Pnrr, all the actors involved at the Sole 24 Ore conference

The network to fix

Then there is the aspect related to the network and connectivity that still travels at reduced speeds. Alessio Butti, undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council with responsibility for Innovation, underlined that “we have two thirds of homes that are not covered by 1 gigabit connectivity”. The undersecretary then remarked that “we have shortcomings in terms of white areas”. “The real point – he added – is the government’s political vision, i.e. to give the country an industrial plan on communications”. Then the announcement on the interventions in progress: “We are working with FS because we are interested in spreading fiber over their 17,000 km of railway network, we have made 550 million available to spread fiber over 17,000 km”.

Between cloud and bureaucracy

Then there is a challenge that Italy and Europe should face and it concerns the cloud and 5g which today is not yet operating at full capacity because, as underlined by Nicola Blefari Melazzi, president of CNIT and the Restart Foundation «it still needs innovative products and services». For the expert it is necessary that the innovation concerning the radio system is connected to that of the network. Then the aspect of the cloud which “is going very well” and 5G in which “we need to put applications and services and it’s good that the operators do it”. Some attention must then also go to the times, as underlined by Lorenzo Forina, director of Vodafone Business who then recalled how for a quality shot it is necessary «to have mechanisms for distributing Pnrr resources that are quick, simple and accessible to SMEs or to what it’s no big deal.”

The green revolution

In the game that is played within the Pnrr field, the one hosting the so-called green revolution against the energy crisis takes on an important space. It is no coincidence that one of the attentions of the companies concerns the breakthrough linked to hydrogen. “We have a project that aims to test the entire green hydrogen supply chain and is in the final stages – said Paolo Gallo, Italgas CEO and general manager – . We are ready to start construction and the project tests the entire hydrogen production chain for the production of electricity with green hydrogen and to allocate it to various uses». Not surprisingly, Gallo recalled that there is a «small local municipality near Cagliari, which farms food and then uses it together with natural gas for residential uses. This is a project that covers the entire value chain and reaches the various consumption and uses and mobility». Energy, water and smart grids are the points in which A2A also plays its game which has seen the group obtain funds for 250 million euros and award resources for a large number of projects. «This is thanks to a work started more than two years ago – said Stefano Granella, Chief Strategy & Growth a2a -, we have also dedicated a task force. Of course, the reporting part is always complex». As for the interventions, “over 160 million are intended for smart grid projects”. Gelsomina Vigliotti, vice president of the EIB, recalled the commitment to interventions that look above all at the environmental component. “We have offered all the administrations technical assistance – she said – and we know that there are situations in which the administrative capacity needs support and projects”. In this context, as Giorgio Graditi, director general of ENEA remarked, “in order to ground complex initiatives, it is necessary to strengthen governance to address complex issues”.

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Safety and sustainability in mobility

In some cases the construction sites have been opened, in some others the times are expanding due to the numerous skills, however for the main players, the 2026 goals can be achieved in time. It was Edoardo Rixi, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport who drew attention to the times and use of the funds, who remarked that the times for major works «by far exceed the times for the use of funds. For this reason, it is necessary to simplify the authorization processes». Then an example with an intervention for a railway work that has to deal with a “particularly complex process”. Then the aspect on the use of resources: «There is no real risk of not using them if we are able to remodel the coverage». Vincenzo Macello, Deputy General Manager Network Management Infrastructures Rfi, gave a few numbers on resources looking positively at the achievement of the time objectives set by the Pnrr. «The construction sites have started, in some cases critical issues have emerged due to the presence of archaeological sites or geological problems – he said – but elements of recovery are underway. In a few days we will tender two lots». The future is just around the corner. «For this year forecast of 3.7 billion which should lead us in 24-25-26 to increase and double Pnrr production». In this context, Thomas Baumgartner, president of Anita, recalled the positive nature of the investments in high speed and capacity of the railway system and then added: «Let’s not make the mistake of abandoning the improvement of the road network. Transportation increases with GDP growth. Increased mobility and cargo. We all would like not to have heavy goods but the railway will not be able to have all this traffic ».

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Research, healthcare, equal opportunities

No less important is the aspect linked to research and the university in which the Pnrr has particular importance as underlined by Patrizio Memè, manager of the Monitoring Office General Directorate of the Mission Unit for the implementation of the interventions of the Pnrr ministry of the University and Research and by Guido Saracco, rector of the Turin Polytechnic. Then the aspect linked to health to which a very important slice of the resources of the Pnrr is destined, as underlined by Andrea Costa, expert in implementation strategies of the Pnrr-Mission 6 Health, with particular reference to interventions at a territorial level, Ministry of Health. «When you look at spending there will be a surge when construction sites open and there will be progress reports. A great job has been done by the regions to achieve the objectives and we are in line with the objectives”. And then the role of companies that team up with institutions. From Aifa to the ministry continuing with the Regions, as underlined by Valentino Confalone, managing director and country president of Novartis Italia. “The investment that should strengthen local medicine will have the consequence of strengthening hospitals that will be able to do what they are good at, that is to cure and treat complex pathologies”. Hence the collaboration between companies and institutions: «The company’s task is to make the skills available with the ministry and Aifa to accelerate the adaptation process of hospitals and that the patient must go from general practitioner to center of excellence for management of the most advanced therapies. In some cases we do it with the ministry in others with the Regions (Lazio, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Sardinia where a task force has been set up for the treatment of multiple sclerosis) ». The Pnrr is also accompanied by new professional opportunities in the context of gender equality, as underlined by Francesca Romana Recchia Luciani, head of the line of action relating to gender issues at the University of Bari. It is no coincidence that Alessia Ruzzeddu, diversity, equity and inclusion manager Autostrade per l’Italia recalled the experience of his company where a “merit-based” rebalancing process was introduced. «We are trying to act to be able to route high apprenticeship paths that have particular attention to women-she said. There is work that we are also doing within the company».

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