Home » The moves of the League with Fi without Berlusconi: “Now let’s talk to Gianni Letta”

The moves of the League with Fi without Berlusconi: “Now let’s talk to Gianni Letta”

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The moves of the League with Fi without Berlusconi: “Now let’s talk to Gianni Letta”

Gianni Letta Silvi Berlusconi

Government, the new balance between Lega and Fi: the moves to contain Meloni

The government Melons has to deal with the recovery by Silvio Berlusconiwith the leader of Come on Italy momentarily stopped there Lega want to check the bank game with the azzurrito understand who will now actually take the decisions. A clue comes from an important executive of the Lega: “What do you journalists believe? What with Gianni Letta we don’t talk? Actually, we have it always done“. Among the Northern League supporters, after all – we read in the Corriere della Sera – one is the majority belief: “Il side game with the blues – says a senator – there can only be. It is physiological whenever there is one in an alliance disproportion between the forces that compose it”. If the keys of Arcore are no longer in the hands of Licia Ronzulli, if the group leader in the Chamber is no longer Alessandro Cattaneo, in short, the Northern League does not seem upset.

For the Northern League, the one on the managers of the large corporations is only the first of a series of stress test. To verify the alleged will «take everythingby Georgia Melons – which Matteo Salvini, – continues the Corriere – could hardly digest even in his new, less overflowing course – but also precisely to verify whether the relationship con Fi keep working. Of course, today as yesterday, the ambassador of Forza Italia is Gianni Letta. Finally, the side game with the Azzurri has also been reactivated by the recent ones Regionalswhich have turned the spotlight on the upcoming, even if not imminent: Molise e Trentino and, next year, Piedmont, Umbria e Sardinia. The Northern League are convinced that FdI will reclaim them presidencies: if Piedmont was led by the Azzurri, Umbria and Sardinia are now Northern League members. In short, there is a lot of thread to weave.

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