Home » “10 meters!” They were trekking in Bariloche, a condor appeared and they saw something unforgettable

“10 meters!” They were trekking in Bariloche, a condor appeared and they saw something unforgettable

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“10 meters!”  They were trekking in Bariloche, a condor appeared and they saw something unforgettable

High surprise. A condor flew very close to the viewpoint at the top of Cerro Tronador for about 10 minutes. Video capture Renata Talauer

Los walking trails that invite you to walk to reach unforgettable views is one of the great attractions of Bariloche for those who reside in the city and for tourists The options are multiple and one more beautiful than the other, among lakes, forests and mountains. But sometimes there is magic within magic. This was what happened days ago to the teacher Renata Talauer, her partner, her daughter and two of her friends in a trekking on the Tronador hill, 3554 meters above sea level. It owes its name to the icefalls in its seven glacierss, which sound like the thunder of paradise in the Nahuel Huapi National Park.

How to go to Mount Tronador from Bariloche

it all started taking the 40 south from Bariloche, where they live, towards the giant that shines with its own light among the masses of the Andes mountains and that is why it attracts so many locals and visitors. After leaving the city center, the mythical national route runs along the coast of the Gutiérrez and Mascardi lakes until joining with the Provincial Route 82. In total, there are 85 km from the Civic Center to Pampa Linda, where you leave the car and start the trekking.

Wonders on the way to the viewpoint of the Tronador summit. Photo: Renata Talauer

Along the way there are viewpoints to enjoy the views offered by the Bonete and Cresta de Gallo hills. You can also go to one of the dark sand beaches of Lake Mascardi.

New generations fishing in the incredible Manso River, here when it passes in front of the Los Rápidos campsite. Photo: Javier Avena

Passing Villa Mascardi turn right and there you leave the asphalt to get onto a gravel road that crosses the forest. In the Lago Mascardi Ranger Section there is a charge for access to the Nahuel Huapi National Park. From this point it is 50 km more to Pampa Linda.

To get to amazing manso river (it is born at the top of the Tronador and changes color along its route), you can stop at the bridge the rapids to observe the trout swimming in the crystal clear water and trying to avoid the flies.

Postcards from the manso and the walks from the Los Rápidos campsite. Photos: Javier Avena.

A few meters from the bridge there is a campsite that we recommend you visit, facing the Manso and Lake Mascardi.

The route continues through a winding road, ascending until it reaches the highest point of the entire route.

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From there it is observed the valley of the upper Manso river in almost all its extension, meandering and with waters that turn a hypnotic green. following up cute pampasyou will find a nice place where there are accommodation and gastronomy services.

Wonders on the way to the Thunderer. Photos: Renata Talauer

From here the path is taken to the base of the hill, where there is a sweet shop. From there you can seepiece of the Tronador glaciers.

Important information: the entry time (single hand) from Los Rápidos to Pampa Linda is from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.. return time (single hand) from Pampa Linda to Los Rápidos from 4 to 6 pm. Double hand: from 7:30 p.m. to 9 a.m.

Renata’s group parked in Pampa Linda. “You can get there by car, you don’t need a 4×4 to get there“, account.

Heading to the viewpoint of the summit

«The ascent to the Mirador de la Cumbre it took us about four hours, at a leisurely pacemaking stops”, says Renata, who like a good Barilochense enjoys the routine of going for a walk, to explore the nearby wonders.

That relaxed pace allowed the group of wonderful panoramic views of lagoons and glaciers as they ascended towards the summit lookoutthe option they chose as they moved through the ñires and lengas that turn red and ocher that dazzles.

The impressive Tronador from the Mirador de la Cumbre. Photo: Renata Talauer.

«It is a trekking of medium difficulty with marked trails, which can be done without problems. Go with boys? You can, but what is recommended from our experience is about eight years and up”, says Renata. She also recommended checking the forecast and the information available in the Nahuel Huapi National Park and the Club Andino Bariloche and respecting the suggestions for trekking.

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A caracara approached to snoop in the heights. Photo: Renata Talauer
The Malvinas, present in the trekking to the Mirador de la Cumbre.

What happened when we reached the summit viewpoint entered the gallery of the best memories. Already the caracara that landed without fear a couple of meters gave the clue that something different would happen. It wasn’t just about the falling blocks of ice that they saw with binoculars, nor the noise when they fell, nor the beauty of the lake and the forest, the panoramic dream from the heights, the pure air.

The flight of the condor meters from the viewpoint of the summit.

If all that was already dazzling, another detail made it unforgettable: that condor that flew over the group in low passes until approaching just 10 meters. The wings spread, the amazing wingspan. They all looked at him dumbfounded. “It was a magical moment,” recalls Renata. She managed to film it with her cell phone to be able to share the end of the movie of an amazing trekking.

The condor flew in circles, hovered, went and came back. It seemed to observe its prey from the highest. “It’s a scavenger bird,” explains Renata. This extraordinary spectacle of nature continued for between 10 and 20 minutes, fast and eternal, until it was lost in the mountains.

How much does it cost to enter the Nahuel Huapi National Park?

– Tarifa General $3,500
– National Residents $1,000
– Children 6 to 16 years old $500
– University/College Students $500
– Provincial residents $600
– Local residents $0
– Retirees or Pensioners $0
– Children under 6 years old -0 to 5 years old included- $0

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