Home » Not even Javier Milei knows that miracles happen in October

Not even Javier Milei knows that miracles happen in October

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Not even Javier Milei knows that miracles happen in October

Not even Javier Milei knows that miracles happen in October. Although he awaits them like the holy water of Rome or Jerusalem, his two inspiring sources for a religious devotion. You can appeal to the Lord of Miracles, the Cross painted on an adobe wall in the Monastery of the Nazarenas (Peru) that was intact after a devastating cataclysm, turned into the most colorful Catholic celebration in Peru that is expressed by penance, austerity, Doña Pepa’s nougat and popular processions with faithful covered in robes of the same color: purple.

Hence, October is the “purple month” in the land of Cesar Vallejo, precisely the hue that luckily fell to the liberal Argentine economist to compete with his ballots in the presidential election. Pure coincidence of the painter’s palette for try to repeat and multiply in October the phenomenal result he obtained in the PASO. Search for a new miracle. And, to continue in the same color chart, he could even invoke the candidate who is an indigo boy, with special powers, empathetic, gifted, with a special aura.

A certain sector of society seems willing to believe in that political derivative of blue with pink that he now holds as an insignia, the unexpected electoral participant who It has been at the beginning more than Carlos Menem as a phenomenon. And that now he aims to be more than himself in the next election. complex challenge.

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It helps him, yes, he government economic collapsethe lack of inflationary containment and the dizzying decline of contender Sergio Massa, who travels to Washington to ask for additional help to the agreement with the IMF. Apparently she cannot claim it by phone or simply wants a campaign photograph of a loan already granted. Thanks, of course, to the recent devaluation —among other adjustment measures—which had the endorsement of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and President Albertoa duo that denied that possibility and swallowed the laxative with a sour face.

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However, there was no calm and a decisive count began, dire rumors of a crisis and, for example, Mauricio Macri has just been notified by different business friends that the situation has become uncontrollable and that the government does not have enough fuel to land in October. News that he said distressed him just when he was celebrating the meager triumph of Patricia Bullrich — political adviser Guillermo Raffo cares about Brazil so that he complements himself with counselor Derek Hampton —, his optimal relationship with the brilliant Milei and, in particular, celebrated having sunk the little loyal Horacio Rodríguez Larreta —according to him— and, in particular to the Radical Civic Union of the capital of Enrique Nosiglia and Emiliano Yacobitti, with whom he could even have a physical confrontation if they met on the street. Her dessert of joy, however, was feminine: he ate Elisa Carrió and the Vidal strawberry with delight.

Pugnan Bullrich and Milei in offering a prestigious framework to their candidacies, as if they were not enough with themselves. They suggest spontaneous and professional. The lady already mentions as safe Carlos Melconian in Economics, who would cede the Central Bank to Luciano Laspina while he postponed his partner Rodolfo Santángelo in the negotiation. Happens that Patricia revealed personal weaknesses on the economic issue, requires suitable assistance and, as was seen in the election, the crisis in the pocket of the electorate was decisive in the vote. So, Patricia needs to change fast: ya announced three measurements from Milei’s showcase as their own, no one claims copyright.

Unlike the poverty of the speech he gave last Sunday, celebrating almost a defeat and with some phrases by Santiago Kovadloff that only seduce a minority addicted to calembours. Upside down, that night Milei offered a more institutional messageserious, except for interruptions of his own inflammation or the character he has invented.

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Worse was, instead, the primary role of Sergio Massa, frightening the audience with the sale of babies that is coming, the feast of wrapped children that is engulfed by the right and other similar atrocities. Without free health and education like Tarzan, but naked on the ice. Idea promoted by Cristina, who also dictated a gibberish to Axel Kicillof, read with neatness and due obedience, as if the governor were not capable of speaking on his own. A contempt for the position, the man and the opportunity: that speech served for a July 9, the inauguration of a route or the baptismal stone of a work. It was not a comment on the electoral result. Perhaps in that disconnected and personal expression it is understood the burial that Cristina Fernández de Kirchner is reserving for Peronism.

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It is said that she anticipated three thirds of the result. She failed in the main thing: she forgot about the winner. She was convinced that Patricia would be the winner., he confessed it in an almost family gathering in Buenos Aires in which he even abounded in champagne, a prototypical barbecue of the traditional Peronism that he hates so much. She forgot Milei’s widow or she’s so blinded by her terror to what she calls the right that she doesn’t even want to consider the economist. The same prevention that reaches Massa, whom he surrounded with the wish that he lose: he was appointed a campaign manager with no knowledge (Wado de Pedro), they minimized him to the minister so that he gets fewer votes than Kicillof and, on top of that, he promoted an outrageous Juan Grabois with an economic plan that might be of interest to the new coup leaders in Africa.

Cristina, like her diminished flock, has a hard time understanding Milei’s performance, that more poor than rich vote for him, that he wins in the north, in the middle and in the south, or that minimum wage workers support him just like those in Añelo, the heart of Vaca Muerta, earn 850 thousand pesos in salary in their first job. And, perhaps, the most serious: a silent majority of young people who reduce their beloved Cámpora to a minimum in the ballot box, other sympathizers who perhaps —like her— never read Misses and, even less, Murray Rothbard, that economist, historian and anarcho-capitalist philosopher that Milei dreams of being like herself. Although that vitriolic character never thought of being President.

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