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avoid high-protein foods, arguments and scrolling the phone

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avoid high-protein foods, arguments and scrolling the phone

“Sleep disorders on the rise in Italy: How to achieve restful sleep,” by The Messenger

As World Sleep Day approaches on Friday, March 15th, concerns are mounting about the increasing prevalence of sleep disorders in Italy. According to Luigi Ferini Strambi, head of the Sleep Medicine Center at Irccs San Raffaele hospital in Milan, and professor of Neurology at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, recent investigations have shown a worsening trend in Italians’ sleep patterns.

Insomnia, a common sleep disorder, affects around 7-8 million people in Italy. However, this number may be even higher when considering other sleep-related issues such as sleep deprivation and circadian rhythm disorders. In total, approximately 20% of the Italian population is affected by some form of sleep problem or pathology.

It’s not just insomnia that Italians are grappling with. Restless legs syndrome, affecting 2% of the general population, and sleep apnea, affecting 5-6% of males and 3% of females, are also prevalent issues. These sleep disorders can have serious implications on overall health, from hypertension to cognitive impairment.

To address these concerns, Dr. Ferini Strambi emphasizes the importance of maintaining good sleep routines and rhythms. Disruptions in sleep patterns, such as staying up late on weekends, can increase the risk of developing diseases and even mortality.

To promote restful sleep, establishing a calming pre-sleep routine is key. Avoiding stimulating activities and foods that increase heart rate before bedtime can help induce a state of relaxation conducive to falling asleep. By prioritizing good sleep habits and seeking medical advice when necessary, Italians can work towards achieving better quality sleep and improving their overall health.

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As we approach World Sleep Day, let’s prioritize restful sleep and take steps towards a healthier sleep lifestyle.

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