Home » Cancer, the symptoms that should not be underestimated: how to recognize it

Cancer, the symptoms that should not be underestimated: how to recognize it

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Cancer, the symptoms that should not be underestimated: how to recognize it

Often out of distraction we tend to underestimate some alarm bells that can be the prelude to some forms of cancer. Here are the symptoms not to be underestimated and how to recognize them.

The alarm bells to recognize if we have a tumor (Freepik)


For lack of time or distraction, we are used to not caring too much about ours salute. Often some symptoms that should not be neglected leave the time they find and in the end we find ourselves having to fight with serious illnesses or ailments that we could have eliminated from the beginning or dealt with more easily.

Who has discovered that they have a cancer, he has not always realized it immediately but there may be some symptoms that should make you suspicious. A change in bowel regulation, blood in the stool, painless lumps in the breasts, testicles or areas rich in lymph nodes can be a symptom of something much more serious that shouldn’t be put aside.

Today we find ourselves observing various symptoms and ailments that can arise if, unfortunately, we are victims of cancer. Here are all the symptoms not to be underestimatedand for more doubts or perplexities it is necessary to refer to your doctor to start analyzes and treatments.

The ailments and symptoms that should not be underestimated: it could be cancer

Here are the symptoms that cancer can bring, and how to recognize it (Freepik)

The main thing is to immediately identify the type of cancer, in order to be as quick as possible to start treatment. The earlier the treatments are started, the greater the likelihood of success. Symptoms that result from cancer are similar to those of minor illnesses, so without panicking, going to the doctor to resolve any doubts is the best solution.

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From symptoms more common, which may suggest you have cancer, are unexplained weight loss and fatigue. Difficulty in breathing and excessive night sweats. Vomiting, nausea and loss of appetite. Localized pain for no apparent reason.

The most relevant disturbances, of course, are the presence of blood in feces or pee. Moles, shape and color mutations. Ulcers and sores that fail to heal and swollen lymph nodes. The set of these elements are i alarm bells that we must not underestimate to realize if we are at risk of cancer. Obviously, as already mentioned, the opinion of an expert is the ideal solution so avoid do-it-yourself or unmotivated alarmism. .

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