Home » Doctor (63) reveals how he rejuvenated himself by 20 years

Doctor (63) reveals how he rejuvenated himself by 20 years

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Doctor (63) reveals how he rejuvenated himself by 20 years

Marc Hyman says he has drastically reduced his biological age – specifically from 63 to 43 years. A look at the doctor’s Instagram profile actually leaves the viewer with a bit of amazement.

How does he do that? A combination of exercise, nutrition and stress management based on markers of cellular health help him, he tells Business Insider.

Hyman’s rejuvenation factors to lower biological age

  • Fixed morning routine: Hyman gets up at 6 a.m. and starts the day with one 20 minutes Meditation . He then drinks a morning coffee and devotes himself to writing for a set period of time (he is a best-selling author). After that follows Strength training with fitness bands for 30 minutes and a contrast shower . Hyman goes into a steam shower and then takes a cold bath, staying in the 4 degree cold water for three minutes.
  • Three hours of exercise a day: In addition to training with the fitness bands, Hyman is also active during the day, for example going hiking or cycling. “I’m comfortable with about three hours of exercise a day,” he says.
  • Pegane” diet: He also follows a plan with his diet. He eats a “pegan diet,” he says. A combination of paleo and vegan. The Paleo diet is based on the foods supposedly available in the Stone Age, such as meat, fish, seafood, vegetables, fruit and nuts, with Hyman concentrating “mainly on plant-based whole foods” in the spirit of vegan nutrition. It also supplements the dietary supplement creatine and a special, recently discovered fatty acid called C15:0.

“The most important things are exercise and a diet made up of healthy fats and plant-based foods,” the doctor sums up. No amount of dietary supplements, no matter how large, can replace that.

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increase health span

The fact is, biological age is not that easy to determine. However, studies clearly show the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet, sufficient exercise and stress reduction for healthy aging. So if you adapt your lifestyle, you can achieve a lot with it. In addition to the tips mentioned by Hyman, there are also

  • Healthy sleep,
  • as well as non-smoking
  • and no alcohol

to the parameters that have a positive effect on biological age.

In any case, for Hyman, his measures are important steps towards reducing biological age. The doctor is not primarily concerned with extending lifespan, but in particular with the “duration of health”. It is a misunderstanding that aging is automatically accompanied by physical and mental problems. “People don’t realize that these problems are related to things that we can change, that are reversible,” he says.

In his new book “Young Forever” he explains the science of healthy aging and gives tips for concrete implementation.

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