Home » Gilbert’s syndrome, what it is and what causes the yellowish complexion

Gilbert’s syndrome, what it is and what causes the yellowish complexion

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Gilbert’s syndrome, what it is and what causes the yellowish complexion

What is meant by the term Gilbert’s Syndrome and what causes that yellowish complexion: here is what few people know.

The Gilbert’s syndrome it is a relatively common medical condition, but often little knownThat affects the liver and can cause episodes of benign jaundice. This inherited syndrome is generally considered benign and poses no health threat, but it can lead to concern and confusion for those affected.

It’s about a hereditary genetic disease involving a defect in bilirubin metabolism, a yellow pigment produced by the breakdown of hemoglobin, present in red blood cells. Bilirubin is normally processed by the liver and then excreted through the bile. However, in people with Gilbert’s syndrome, the liver has difficulty processing bilirubin properly, leading to slightly elevated levels of bilirubin in the blood. This can cause jaundice, a condition in which the skin and eyes may turn yellow.

Gilbert’s Syndrome is in fact caused by one genetic mutation in the UGT1A1 generesponsible forenzyme that helps the liver eliminate bilirubin. This genetic mutation makes the enzyme’s activity less effective, leading to higher levels of indirect bilirubin in the blood.

The main symptoms of Gilbert’s Syndrome , diagnosis and management

L‘intermittent jaundice is generally the most obvious symptom of the condition, usually manifesting itself in mild form and can occur occasionally, especially in situations of stress, prolonged fasting, or during strenuous exercise.

What are the causes and remedies of Gilbert’s syndrome (tantasalute.it)

Some people with this syndrome may experience tiredness or fatigue, although it is not clear if this is directly related to the condition or if it is due to other factors. Some patients also may experience mild abdominal painbut these symptoms are rare and usually not serious.

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The diagnosis of Gilbert’s Syndrome is based on assessment of symptoms and laboratory tests that measure bilirubin levels in the blood. Often, doctors can identify the condition by ruling out other possible causes of jaundice.

Gilbert’s syndrome generally does not require any specific treatment, as it is a benign condition. However, some measures can help manage symptoms, such as maintaining a balanced and regular diet to avoid prolonged fasting, avoid excessive alcohol consumption which may affect bilirubin metabolism.

It is always necessary inform doctors and healthcare professionals of your condition before any medical procedure or drug therapy. Gilbert’s syndrome does not pose a long-term health risk and does not increase the risk of liver disease or other serious conditions. People with this syndrome can live normal, healthy lives, and knowing about their condition can help avoid unnecessary worry and unnecessary medical interventions.

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