Home » Hair and sport: physical activity and the positive effects on the hair

Hair and sport: physical activity and the positive effects on the hair

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Hair and sport: physical activity and the positive effects on the hair

From physical health to psychological well-being, the benefits of sport are many and now quite well known. Still today, however, not many people know that practicing physical activity can also have positive effects on the hair. Indeed, movement affects the condition of the canopy in several ways and if on the one hand certain types of training represent allies, on the other hand different workouts may be less suitable.


Every time you practice sport, your heart rate increases and, with it, your heart rate Blood flow. This promotes better nourishment of all body tissues. Not even the hair is excluded from this benefit. “During physical activity too the roots of the hair, i.e. the hair follicles, benefit from the increased circulation blood flow and increased blood oxygenation. This favors the growth phase of the hair” underlines the Doctor Angelo Labrozzi, pharmacist expert in the study of hair loss. In addition, exercise also facilitates the natural release of natural oils of the scalp, which allows for superior nourishment of the roots, thus promoting healthy hair growth. If practiced correctly, sport is also useful for improving the quality of sleep and a good night’s rest is a precious ally for hair health.


Exercise is a powerful stress reliever. Reducing anxiety and tension levels is not only useful for increasing psychological well-being, but also has a positive impact on the hair. In fact, the less serene you are, the less healthy your hair growth is. Prolonged stresses tend to damage the cells of the hair bulb; as a result, the hair that will be born will be weak and will be more likely to fall out before it has finished its natural cycle. “However, practicing sport stimulates the body’s natural production of certain substances, including serotonin and endorphins, which promote good mood. These happiness hormones are essential for a better transition to the anagen phase (the growth, ndr) and to the catagen one, in which growth stops. A high oxidative stress associated with the inflammation it brings with it is instead a characteristic trait of trichological diseases, such as alopecia areata and cicatricial alopecia” warns Dr. Labrozzi.

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To ensure that the anagen phase takes place perfectly, the hair follicles need a lot of energy, in the production of which adenosine triphosphate (ATP) plays a central role. Any kind of stress, including that resulting from training sessions that are too long or too intense, stimulates the secretion of adrenaline e norepinephrine, which have negative effects on the production of ATP, facilitating the accumulation of squalene and lactic acid in the hair follicle. “These substances corrode the inner and outer sheath of the hair during the anagen phase, causing a fall above normal” observes Dr. Labrozzi. Therefore, the most suitable physical activities for the well-being of the hair are those that require a constant but not too intense commitment, such as nordic walking, swimming, cycling, a moderate jog or a simple brisk walk. On the advice of the doctor, theuse of supplements of natural originsuch as those based on fish oil and wheat oil.

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