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Lumbago: the tricks to intervene immediately in a natural way and relieve the pain

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Lumbago: the tricks to intervene immediately in a natural way and relieve the pain

The lumbago is a very strong back pain with the impossibility of making movements: however, it can be improved with some tricks.

And shooting pain, very strong and sudden that sometimes seems to fall. The lumbago is as unpleasant as it is harmless.

It is not a disease but a momentary block due to inflammation caused by prolonged incorrect posture, excessive weight or poor exercise.

The lumbago: what it is and how to fix it quickly

Usually the lumbago resolves on its own within a week. However, sometimes it is impossible to go through the motions and therefore go to work or manage the house, so there are tricks to implement to improve the situation.

What to do for the lumbago quickly (tantasalute.it)

The name as it suggests its definition is excruciating and sudden, as if someone hit the back with a broom, properly it is acute lumbar spine syndrome. The disturbance, if severe and intense, can last for weeks, so all that remains is to contact your doctor for all the necessary pharmacological approaches and adequate therapies.

A very good exercise that relieves pain is to lie on your back, rest your legs on the chair at a 90 degree angle, hold this position for half an hour, if you can, or at least for 20 minutes. If available use a ball under the legs, releasing the muscles. This improves circulation and also improves posture.

And home remedy always valid is the heat, to be applied on the painful area. You can make a hot water bottle or buy your own heating pads. Walking helps too, just walking slowly and a little each day will improve your muscles. Arnica is a powerful anti-inflammatory, you need to make compresses to apply directly to the area, which are also very valid ointments come devil’s claw able to relieve pain.

The thing from not to do is obviously to rotate the back, bend forward, lift objects but not even stand still. The movements in fact help the muscle to relax and be more elastic. In symptomatology, in addition to severe pain, there may also be tingling, a sense of pressure and the impossibility of moving. In a few days the situation will become stable again and slowly the person will be able to make more and more movements. THE back problems however, they must be treated because the risk is that they become chronic.

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