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One yogurt a day for memory loss

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Vitamin B12, vitamin D, minerals, peptides and all other substances contained in fermented products like it yogurt and the kefir. According to one studio conducted in Canada by university researchers in Québec on about 8,000 people between 65 and 86 years of age, regular consumption of dairy products can protect memory and language, the first cognitive skills that are damaged by the neurodegenerative processes that lead to dementia. But even those that tend to “Lose hits” in healthy people as they age.

Dairy products and cognitive abilities

As Assolatte points out, the purpose of the Canadian research was to try to understand to what extent the daily consumption of dairy products could play a role in theirs performance cognitive. Therefore the participants were subjected to test in the three main areas of cognitive function. Memory (including linguistic memory), executive functions (i.e. the ability to react to environmental stimuli with adequate behaviors) and psychomotor speed.

Yogurt against memory loss

The study found that the best performances, especially in the verbal fluency, were recorded in the participants who habitually consumed at least two and a half servings of dairy products a day. In particular, a positive association between consumption of milk and cheese ed efficiency in executive functions. And an equally positive association between consumption of yogurt and memory.

The conclusions explain the link between cognitive performance in the over 65 and consumption of dairy products, as induced dall’protective and anti-aging effect from nutritional principles naturally present in dairy products. In addition to those mentioned (vitamins, peptides and fermentation compounds), the contribution in calcium and proteins should not be forgotten. Essential nutrients in old age especially to counteract bone and muscle fragility.

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Memory and language: diet as prevention

As Assolatte recalls, one of the negative consequences of iaging at the cerebral level, it is the multiplication of gods memory lapses. Often they also concern the parole in common use. In cases of senile dementia this may be the first alarm bell. But there is no doubt that even in the essence of pathological processes such as the disease of Alzheimer, the depletion of vocabulary is a fairly frequent problem in the over 65s, both men and women.

One of the modalities of prevention of memory loss and in general of cognitive decline at the origin of these phenomena is represented by nutrition. Follow a healthy and balanced diet represents one of the best weapons at our disposal to keep us fit for as long as possible.

Milk and dairy products in the diet: what the guidelines say

The guidelines recommend two to three 125ml servings of milk or yogurt per day e one-two of cheese, ma weekly. One piece of 100 grams for the less fat varieties, half for those in which the fat fraction is rather high.

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