Home » Pancreatic cancer, a new all-Italian discovery

Pancreatic cancer, a new all-Italian discovery

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Pancreatic cancer, a new all-Italian discovery

An important step forward in the fight against pancreatic cancer, one of the most aggressive and difficult to treat tumors, has been made by a team of Italian researchers. The study, published in the prestigious journal “Cancer Cell”, has identified some key mechanisms underlying tumor formation, paving the way for new, more targeted and effective therapeutic strategies.

Pancreatic cancer, a sneaky and lethal tumor

Pancreatic cancer represents an enormous challenge for medicine. The symptoms are often non-specific and the diagnosis frequently arrives at an advanced stage, when the possibilities of treatment are limited. The prognosis is poor: five years after diagnosis, survival is around 9%.

Tumor heterogeneity as an obstacle

One of the main reasons for the failure of therapies is the heterogeneity of the tumor. Within the same pancreatic cancer, different populations of tumor cells with different genetic and morphological characteristics coexist. This variability makes the tumor resistant to standard treatments, which are often unable to target all tumor cells.

The Italian discovery

The study by the Italian team, coordinated by Gioacchino Natoli and Giuseppe Diaferia of the European Institute of Oncology (IEO), shed light on the heterogeneity of pancreatic cancer. The researchers used innovative technologies to isolate and analyze individual tumor cells, identifying four subtypes of cells with distinct characteristics and behaviors.

New hopes for treatment

The discovery opens new possibilities for the development of personalized therapies, capable of selectively targeting different subtypes of tumor cells. Researchers have already identified some potential therapeutic targets and are working on the development of new drugs.

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The Italian study represents a significant step forward in understanding pancreatic cancer and in the search for new therapeutic strategies. The discovery of tumor heterogeneity and the identification of new molecular targets offer new hope for patients suffering from this serious disease.

Cover image: DepositPhotos

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