Home » Questioning the Legitimacy of Medical Discourse: Exploring Fiction’s Role in Three Novels

Questioning the Legitimacy of Medical Discourse: Exploring Fiction’s Role in Three Novels

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Questioning the Legitimacy of Medical Discourse: Exploring Fiction’s Role in Three Novels

doubts. The novel explores the idea of blindly trusting medical institutions and the need for individuals to question and challenge the dominant narratives in medicine.

In “History of the Current Illness” by Anna DeForest, the narrator reflects on her experiences as a resident doctor in a New York hospital. The novel raises questions about the difficulties doctors face in communicating sensitively and naming loss. DeForest delves into the emotional and psychological toll that the medical profession can have on its practitioners, highlighting how professionals can become detached and indifferent over time.

Mónica Muller’s “On the Natural” takes a personal and social approach to questioning the current tendencies and behaviors towards what is considered natural. The author explores how society’s discourses on health and what is considered healthy have created a regime of universal suspicion, where everything can be seen as potentially harmful. Muller also examines the source of medical discourse’s legitimacy, tracing it back to the fear of death and the role of doctors as preventers of death.

Joy Sorman’s “Life Sciences” explores the blind trust individuals place in medicine and medical institutions. The novel follows the protagonist, a young Parisian girl with a hereditary curse, as she questions why people turn to medicine for all the answers. Sorman touches on the concept of family as a disease and the oppression of women throughout history.

These three novels put the established truths and authoritative words of medical discourse into question. They challenge readers to reflect on the power dynamics in medicine, the need for sensitive communication, and the influence of societal beliefs and norms on health decisions. Through fiction, these authors highlight the complexities and shortcomings of the medical system, urging readers to critically examine the narratives they encounter and seek a deeper understanding of their own health and well-being.

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