Home » The Incredible Benefits of Living Close to Nature: Why We Should Consider Moving

The Incredible Benefits of Living Close to Nature: Why We Should Consider Moving

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The Incredible Benefits of Living Close to Nature: Why We Should Consider Moving

Closeness to nature is good for you! The latest revelations are truly surprising, we should move house

Nature has a profound impact on our well-being, and recent scientific studies have shed light on the importance of reconnecting with the natural world. In our modern society, we have become detached from nature, embracing the chaos of the cities. However, our bodies continue to seek contact with nature, often revealing this need through immediate positive effects whenever we approach natural surroundings.

Living in the midst of the modern chaos, it can be difficult to even listen to our bodies. But recent studies have shown that living close to nature and immersing ourselves in its beauty can greatly improve our well-being. The benefits are extraordinary and cannot be denied.

The rapid pace of modern life often hinders our ability to choose a lifestyle in close proximity to nature. The advancements in technology have led us further away from our “wild” origins, but our innate connection to nature remains deeply rooted within us. A recent study conducted by a research team from Washington State University has shed light on the importance of this connection.

The study analyzed a sample of nearly 50,000 people aged 65 and above, residing in urban areas of Washington. The researchers examined the correlation between the participants’ mental health and their proximity to green and blue spaces, such as parks, gardens, cemeteries, lakes, rivers, and oceans. The results were astounding.

Approximately 70% of the participants lived within 800 meters of a green space, while 60% lived at a similar distance from a blue space. Both groups demonstrated a remarkable 17% lower risk of experiencing serious psychological distress compared to those who lived far from these natural areas.

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The implications of this study are profound. It calls for a change in urban planning to prioritize proximity to nature. Instead of solely focusing on efficiency and density, future cities should strive to ensure that each center is never too far from green or blue spaces. These findings highlight the importance of incorporating nature into our lives and designing cities that cater to our fundamental need to be in contact with it.

Living in contact with nature is not merely a luxury or an aesthetic pleasure; it is an integral human need that can make a significant difference in our overall happiness and long-term mental well-being. As we reflect on the implications of nature for our health, it is crucial to prioritize its inclusion in urban planning and prioritize the preservation of our mental well-being. Perhaps it is time for us to seriously consider moving closer to nature and reaping the multitude of benefits it offers.

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