Home » This little-used salt is an ally of health and excellent for home anti-cellulite treatments

This little-used salt is an ally of health and excellent for home anti-cellulite treatments

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Salt, cross and delight of those who love good food but also care about their health.

In nature there are different qualities, which refer to two main types: sea salt and rock salt or rock salt.

The first is produced inside the marine salt pans, by evaporation of sea water, while the second is extracted from the rock.

What differentiates the first from the second is first of all the refining necessary to eliminate impurities, often not necessary for rock salt.

Another aspect that divides them is the presence of iodine, of which sea salt is rich.

Iodine is a fundamental element for the human body, supporting the metabolism and functioning of the thyroid.

Excessive use, however, can lead to the development of hypertension, kidney problems, water retention and many other more or less serious pathologies.

This little-used salt is an ally of health and excellent for home anti-cellulite treatments

Among the various qualities of this condiment there is one that is not very valuable but very precious, and it is not the pink salt of the Himalayas.

We are talking rather about whole sea salt, which is nothing but unrefined sea salt.

In fact, during the refining and bleaching process, sea salt naturally loses most of the iodine contained, with the loss of all its benefits.

What characterizes the whole salt is the color between brownish and gray, due to the lack of treatment.

It has countless health benefits when consumed sparingly, providing good doses of not only iodine but also zinc, magnesium, potassium and calcium.

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All the precious trace elements it absorbs from the sea remain completely intact, but it doesn’t stop there.

This little-used salt is an ally of health and excellent for home anti-cellulite treatments that promise results worthy of the best spas.

We remind you that these are still grandmother’s remedies that do not have a scientific value and therefore we recommend that you be very careful and always contact your doctor even for these little things.

How to use it against cellulite and other beauty rituals

Not everyone knows that this particular type of salt is an ingredient to be included in your beauty routine.

Against water retention and cellulite

The ideal is to take draining saline baths, dissolving a kilo and a half of whole salt in water at about 38 degrees and immersing yourself for about 20/30 minutes.

For greater results, the bath can be repeated 2/3 times a week.

The important thing to remember is not to wash off the salt water so as not to nullify the benefits; just dab and dry gently.

Face cleaning

Dissolve 3 tablespoons of whole salt in a pot of boiling salt and place yourself on top of the pot with a towel on the nape of the neck.

Be careful not to get burned!

Body scrub

By mixing almond oil with a handful of whole salt we will obtain an excellent scrub to be gently massaged on critical areas.

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