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Use yogurt for plant health

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Use yogurt for plant health

Yogurt contains a wealth of beneficial bacteria that are not only good for the human stomach but can also be used to improve plant health. Gardeners are also using this amazing trick.

Yogurt can have amazing plant benefits. In fact, this helps to deeply nourish the soil and the roots of the plants, contributes to thekilling of parasites and insectsIt also contributes to rapid and healthy growth of seedlings and flowers.

However, it appears that yogurt is not very effective with edible plants such as those that produce fruit or vegetables. It is more suitable for flowers and for ornamental plants which are located in the garden or on the terrace.

How does yogurt help plants and the soil?

It is well known that yogurt has beneficial bacteria in it for digestion and to protect the body from pathogens. The strains to which these bacteria belong are Streptococcus thermophilus, capable of producing lactic acid.

These work together in order to produce enzymes that break down sugars and complex carbohydrates, turning them into nutrient elements for the plant. Furthermore, yogurt increases the amount of organic matter in the plant and nitrogen in the soil, which are essential for the plant to grow strong and healthy.


Here’s how to use yogurt to grow plants

Plants need water and nutrition to grow strong and healthy. Yogurt helps simplify this mechanism. Let’s see how use yogurt to grow plants.

Use yogurt as a fertilizer

One of the main benefits of yogurt in the garden is that it acts as an organic fertilizer. Yogurt can be mixed with water – that’s enough mix a cup of water for each tablespoon of yogurt. Then the mixture is poured on the soil of the plants or seedlings to fertilize the plants in a natural way.

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Antifungal spray for plants

Yogurt diluted with water is an excellent natural antifungal for fight parasites like gray mold, or against black spots on roses and rust. The beneficial bacteria in yogurt help prevent and treat fungal plant diseases by counteracting the action of fungal spores.

Use a spoonful of yogurt and a cup of water, mix and pour it into a spray bottle. You can spray it directly on the leaves for create a natural barrier. Repeat the treatment at least once a week.

ornamental plants

Add it to the compost

Expired yogurt can be added to coffee grounds and fruit scraps to help organic material to decompose more quickly.

This way you will not only be able to reuse the expired yogurt but you will also prepare a nourishment boost for the garden and your seedlings.

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