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Watercress: properties, benefits and uses in the kitchen

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Watercress: properties, benefits and uses in the kitchen

Il watercress (Nasturtium officinale) has gained popularity for both its distinctive flavor and nutritional properties. In fact, it is not only an ideal aromatic ingredient to enrich your recipes, but it is also renowned for its richness in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

What is watercress?

This term commonly describes several species of plants, among which are watercress, the English (or garden) watercress and the meadow cress. All three belong to the family of Brassicaceaethe same as broccoli, of rocket he was born in pak choi.

In particular, watercress is one perennial herbaceous plant which prefers moist soils. Usually, it grows wild in places where water flows or stagnates, such as streams or ditches. Already in ancient times it was appreciated for its beneficial qualities and was also used for therapeutic purposes. Its leaves, often used in cooking to flavor various preparations, are dark green, while its flowers are small and white.

Watercress: properties and benefits

Rich in water and low in calories, watercress is an excellent source of vitamin Cwhich supports the immune system, e Vitamin K, essential for blood clotting and bone health. It also provides B vitamins, Vitamin E e vitamin A. Furthermore, it contains minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium e antioxidantswhich help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Eating raw watercress allows you to best preserve both its taste and benefits. The important thing is to make sure that it comes from uncontaminated areas and, in any case, always wash it carefully before use. However, as Humanitas reports, its consumption could to interfere with the hiring of some drugs and it can be not recommended even for those who suffer from gastrointestinal ulcers e kidney disease. In any case, if you have any doubts or particular medical conditions, it is always advisable to consult your doctor.

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Uses in the kitchen

Characterized by a pungent flavour, slightly spicy, watercress lends itself to a wide range of culinary combinations, adding flavor and color to many dishes. For example, it is perfect for preparing fresh ones salads spring. But it can also be combined with panini, sauces, fresh cheeses, second courses based on meat or fish, risottos, soups e omelettes.

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