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Bast al-Alf’s intellectual and Sulaiman’s dilemma

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Bast al-Alf’s intellectual and Sulaiman’s dilemma

Basically, I should start this column by saying, ‘Last few days I was invited to a function as a special guest, there were a large number of young people there, they asked me many questions regarding their life and career, I patiently answered them. Listen to and tell them how life should be lived, what are the rules of success, how to plan for the future, how to choose a girl/boy for marriage.

The youth listened to my talk with great interest, the one-hour event turned into three hours, many of the youth also took personal advice from me later, I was very impressed by the passion of the youth, they are our future, just get wet. So this soil is very fertile. Etc. Etc.

Since there is a shortage of men in our country, the writers who talk in this way also become intellectuals. Well, no problem, may Allah bless them and continue to give them bread of honor.

By the way, I remembered a joke from Izzat Roti, you all must have heard it, so there is no need to write it.

All that is needed is to see that those who give advice on how to live with such conviction, are they real intellectuals and should their advice be followed?

A tragedy has also happened to us that we have made words worthless. We have made such attributes which should have been used very cautiously and sparingly, attached to the names of everyone and Knox.

Intellectual is also such an unlucky word. The number of real intellectuals in our country is probably equal to salt in flour. If you look at Homegar TV or social media, it seems like there are ten or twenty intellectuals in every union council.

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The question is, what does a real intellectual look like? In my opinion, the sign of an intellectual is that he constantly checks his thoughts and ideas, he is not a person with static ideas, his main goal is the search for truth and truth, he is not a slave to his ego. Where he realizes his mistake, he immediately admits it and corrects his concern.

Such a person tries to understand the ideas of people with opposing tendencies, evaluates these ideas with an open heart, challenges his own ideas and in this context puts aside his prejudices and forms an opinion only in the light of reason. Is.

It is this characteristic of the intellectual that distinguishes him from the ordinary people who remain captive to their prejudices all their lives.

This is the definition of intellectual. Now the question is that people who give advice on matters of life, success, wealth, fame, career and marriage, business etc. must be intellectuals for them? And if they do not fulfill this definition of an intellectual, then does their advice have any value in such a case?

This Khaksar believes that in these matters you can consult any sensible person, but you must, because in his own case a person, however wise, often fails to make the right decision. Is.

When we are entangled in a matter, we are not able to see the matter in an objective way by separating ourselves from ourselves and that is why sometimes we make a wrong decision. In the language of psychology, it is called Soloman’s Paradox.

This means that a person gives very useful and wise advice on the affairs of others, but his wisdom in his own affairs goes to waste and sometimes he makes foolish decisions that lead to harm.

You may have often noticed that we give very useful advice on other people’s life, business, career and marriage matters because we are not directly involved in these matters, so our opinions are unbiased and unbiased. , while we are party to our own affairs, so we cannot think beyond ourselves and thus the possibility of making a mistake in decision increases.

So it is not necessary to look for a real intellectual to solve the issues of life, a person with good understanding can also help you to make the right decision.

Now another question arises here, whether the advice should be blindly followed?

The answer is no. The advantage of consulting a black man is that he shows you a side of the picture that is hidden from your eyes, and when you see that side, you can then decide for yourself what to do because Every person’s life, circumstances and destiny are different from others.

The key to success that works for A is not necessarily useful for B. Each person’s personality is different, his temperament is different, his ability is different, so no single formula of success can be made by using which the person will become immortal.

In human relationships, it becomes more complicated. We often see that husband and wife have stopped talking for years but they do not separate and continue to drag life together due to children or any other compulsion. If a third person were to see this, they would inevitably suggest that they should separate.

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Just like when we see a character in a movie, we immediately put ourselves in his place and pass judgment that he should have done that and forget that the character’s personality is different from us.

After writing this column, I realize that the pedantic manner in which I have given you some advice makes it seem as if I consider myself to be at least a Bista-Alf intellectual.

Now, to the youth of ‘Generation Z’ who do not know Basta Alif, I suggest to them that sometimes they open a book apart from the syllabus, it will be enlightening. Peace be upon you.

Note: This article is based on the personal opinion of the columnist, with which Independent Urdu does not have to agree.

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