Home » Kim Ki-hyun and In Yo-han resolve conflict over ‘mainstream sacrifice’… Leadership decides ‘time to make a decision’ :: Empathy Media Newsis News Agency ::

Kim Ki-hyun and In Yo-han resolve conflict over ‘mainstream sacrifice’… Leadership decides ‘time to make a decision’ :: Empathy Media Newsis News Agency ::

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Kim Ki-hyun and In Yo-han resolve conflict over ‘mainstream sacrifice’…  Leadership decides ‘time to make a decision’ :: Empathy Media Newsis News Agency ::

Kim “Step by step worry”… “Confirmation of willingness to sacrifice”

Innovation Committee positive evaluation… “I went as the party leader for political responsibility.”

Looks like they will take steps for early disbandment… “Please consider it as passing the ball.”

[서울=뉴시스] Reporter Lee Young-hwan = People Power Party representative Kim Ki-hyun (left) and Innovation Committee Chairman In Yo-han are meeting at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the afternoon of the 6th. (Joint coverage) 2023.12.06. [email protected]

[서울=뉴시스] Reporters Lee Seung-jae, Choi Seo-jin, Ha Ji-hyun, and Kim Gyeong-rok = People Power Party leader Kim Ki-hyun and Innovation Committee Chairman In Yo-han resolved the mainstream sacrifice conflict in a 20-minute meeting. Some say that the Innovation Committee has in fact taken a step back by leaving the decision-making period requested from the party’s mainstream to the leadership.

According to the People Power Party on the 6th, Representative Kim told Chairman In at a private meeting that day, “I am confident that the agenda proposed (by the Innovation Committee) will help innovate the party and win the general election.”

He continued, “However, there are issues that can be resolved at the Supreme Committee, and there are strategic choices that must be made during the nomination management committee or election process, so we hope you understand that we cannot accept them right away.” He added, “As it is a task that we can put into practice.” “I will think about how to do it step by step,” he said.

In response to this, Chairman In is said to have responded, “I confirmed CEO Kim’s sacrifice and commitment to innovation.”

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Previously, the Innovation Committee had officially proposed to the party leadership as Innovation Plan No. 6 the agenda of ‘leading, middle-class, and pro-Yoon (pro-Yoon Seok faction) core members not running in the general election or running in difficult districts.’

Representative Kim’s remarks are interpreted as meaning that he will make a decision of his own volition at the appropriate time if it is necessary for the mainstream party to not run or to run in a difficult district in order to win the general election next year. In other words, we will not appear to be pushing our backs on the Innovation Committee and resigning.

In fact, the majority of reactions within the party so far have been generally positive about the purpose of the Innovation Committee’s agenda, but have responded that it was a somewhat premature proposal. Even though the official committee has not yet been formed, there is already a sense that making a decision regarding candidacy is not an easy decision for an incumbent member of the constituency.

Lee Yang-soo, senior vice-president of the National Assembly, said on radio’s ‘Kim Tae-hyun’s Political Show’ that day, “In terms of direction, I think the Innovation Committee’s proposal will be accepted, and the only problem is the timing.” “I think so,” he said.

Regarding Representative Kim’s ‘step by step’ statement, some say that it should be interpreted as meaning that the agenda proposed by the Innovation Committee will be resolved step by step in line with next year’s general election schedule. In fact, the general election planning team accepted the ‘waiver of the privilege of non-arrest’ proposed by the Innovation Committee in the form of receiving a related pledge from the candidate.

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Even within the Innovation Committee, there is a positive evaluation of the results of this meeting.

An innovation committee member said in a phone call, “CEO Kim said that he would ask for your understanding that he cannot do it right now, but that there would be a reaction, and Chairman In also confirmed that will.”

He continued, “When the innovation plan is not accepted, the political responsibility falls on Representative Kim, and eventually, he will accept it. There is no longer a way out,” and “Following the resolution of the conflict, there is one more good cause for the innovation plan to be accepted.” “He claimed.

Another member of the innovation committee said, “We only seemed to be setting up our angles, but the meeting was good.” He added, “There were pros and cons internally regarding the sacrifice agenda, and I didn’t think an answer would come out quickly from the beginning.”

There is also the prospect that the Innovation Committee will take steps to be disbanded early. The originally scheduled term ends on the 24th of this month.

Some believe that the company has virtually lost its driving force for innovation after the surprise luncheon held between CEO Kim and President Yoon Seok-yeol the previous day. This is because President Yoon actually gave power to the ‘Kim Ki-hyun regime’.

Another innovation committee member said, “(Chairman In’s remarks) are that the Innovation Committee has conveyed the feelings of the people, so now the party should do its own work. Please understand this as meaning that the ball has been passed over.”

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