Home » Xingguang Experimental Education Institution went to France to participate in the International Invention Exhibition on 4/24

Xingguang Experimental Education Institution went to France to participate in the International Invention Exhibition on 4/24

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Xingguang Experimental Education Institution went to France to participate in the International Invention Exhibition on 4/24

The competition and commercial exhibition of the International Exhibition of Inventions in France is the focus of the world‘s most attention, especially this year’s Taiwan’s most unique delegation of 11 young inventors, representing elementary and middle school students with an average age of 9-14, led by Taichung Starlight Experiment Educational institutions cooperate with Taiwanese companies to represent Taiwan in the Youth Group of the Global International Invention Exhibition. The youngest and most eye-catching small inventors, and three unique industry-university prototypes to design prototypes to invent cooperative products, took the plane on the afternoon of April 24th and set off for a long journey Go to France to participate in the 122nd Concours Lepine Paris International Invention Competition and Commercial Exhibition in the world in 2023, practice the cross-field combination of industry-university cooperation model of starlight experimental education, and become a model benchmark for global starlight.

According to Qiu Fengyi, principal of Starlight Experimental Educational Institute in Taichung City, the head of the team, the Paris International Invention Competition, which is attracting worldwide attention, has a long history and is extremely large-scale and authoritative in the world. Through the opportunity of industry-university cooperation, this competition is to enable the students of Starlight Experimental Education to shine on the international stage with long-term education, the ability to heuristic and adapt to creativity.

Starlight Experimental Educational Institution, since its inception, has been committed to Finnish phenomenon-based exploration and research education. It focuses on cultivating children’s ability to solve problems as its core goal and value, promotes the teaching mode of innovative thinking logic, and actively outlines weaving for students. Create industry-university cooperation opportunities with domestic and foreign enterprises.

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Taking this year’s Invention Exhibition in Paris, France, from April 27th, there will be a 12-day fierce competition and trade show. In addition to the teachers and students of the Starlight Experimental Education Institution, Lin Shanying, the chairman of the Starlight Education Foundation, etc., The co-leading students went to France to participate in the competition. This time is a historic industry-university cooperation model. The student team of Starlight Experimental Education cooperates with well-known domestic enterprises to bring the original inventions of the students and the products independently invented by the enterprises abroad to participate in the competition. Win glory for the country, and all entries have obtained a number of international patents.

This time, the French International Invention Exhibition Competition and Commercial Exhibition, three entries participated, including; the first item; the original prototype design of the students Oxygen Water Flask Prototype “Oxygen Water Bottle” and its characteristics; for climbers, pregnant women, excessive work pressure Designed for high-intensity exercisers. Allow users to quickly replenish oxygen while drinking water, enhance physical strength, and even save a life in an emergency.

The second industry-university cooperation competition invention was commissioned by a well-known technology company to publish an international publication by the Xingguang student team. This invention is “Bicycle Booster Crank”, which is characterized by allowing riders to save more effort when riding a bicycle, reducing the physical burden of riding, and encouraging exercise and fitness. This invention can also be used in conjunction with the clean energy key indicators of the SDGs, and can be applied to sustainable green energy generation. The booster crank module can be assembled on a bicycle, and it can also be connected to a household power storage device to achieve energy-driven power generation benefits.

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The third invention is the “double-sided silicone cloth” specially commissioned by the company to be published by Xingguang students. This product features “one-time process, double-sided silicone” as the main patent feature, and has successfully obtained a process patent. This silicone cloth has a wide range of applications and can be customized for various food bags, environmental protection bags, raincoats and other products. The characteristics of the fabric material are that it can withstand extreme cold and heat, and the silicone material is non-toxic and pollution-free. It can be biodegraded and used for a long time. Its purpose is to replace plastic materials in stages, and it has the characteristics of a green and environmentally friendly circular economy.

Qiu Fengyi said that the core value and school-running philosophy of Starlight Experimental Educational Institute is to establish students’ international outlook, cultivate the ability to solve problems and emphasize innovation, and then connect with the world. By encouraging and inspiring students to be inspired by invention and creation, children’s logical thinking and argumentative ability in the learning process can be enhanced and their imaginations can be used after internalization, and they can use their wisdom to invent new products to solve various problems in life. And Starlight’s teaching philosophy is to let children unleash their creativity and realize their dreams with unconstrained ideas, which will lay a solid foundation for their future. In this way, through this industry-university cooperation initiative, we will encourage more Taiwanese companies to actively provide a stage for Taiwanese students to collaborate and publish, so that students’ creative ideas will have the opportunity to become patented products. Taiwan strives to cultivate future innovative entrepreneurs.
The Starlight Education Group The Starlight Education Group

From left to right, the team leader Qiu Fengyi, principal of Taichung Starlight Experimental Educational Institute, Huang Zuer (Joue), founder of Starlight Experimental Educational Institute, and Lin Shanying, chairman of Starlight Educational Foundation.Photo/Provided by Yan Qiangguo
From left to right, the team leader Qiu Fengyi, the principal of Taichung Starlight Experimental Educational Institute, Huang Zuer (Joue), the founder of Starlight Experimental Educational Institute, and Lin Shanying, chairman of the Starlight Education Foundation.Photo/Provided by Yan Qiangguo
On the 24th, the little inventors of Starlight Experimental Education will go to France to participate in the global invention exhibition to win glory for the country.Photo/Provided by Yan Qiangguo
On the 24th, the little inventors of Starlight Experimental Education will go to France to participate in the global invention exhibition to win glory for the country.Photo/Provided by Yan Qiangguo

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