Home » Yesterday, on World Book Day, the survey report on the reading status of the province’s residents was released. Last year, the per capita reading in Zhejiang was 14.3. How many books did you read? -Hangzhou News Center-Hangzhou Net

Yesterday, on World Book Day, the survey report on the reading status of the province’s residents was released. Last year, the per capita reading in Zhejiang was 14.3. How many books did you read? -Hangzhou News Center-Hangzhou Net

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Yesterday, on World Book Day, the survey report on the reading status of the province’s residents was released. Last year, the per capita reading in Zhejiang was 14.3. How many books did you read?

The fragrance of books infiltrates the scenery, and reading lights up dreams. Yesterday was World Book Day, and the second National Reading Conference was held in Hangzhou yesterday. During the conference, the “2022 Investigation Report on the Reading Status of Residents in Zhejiang Province” (hereinafter referred to as the “Report”) was officially released.

The report shows that the comprehensive reading rate of residents in the province will be 91.9% in 2022, an increase of 0.9 percentage points from the previous year, and an increase of 1.5 and 3.2 percentage points from 2020 and 2019 respectively, maintaining a steady growth for three consecutive years. The per capita reading volume of residents was 14.3 books, an increase of 0.9 books over the previous year, and continued to maintain an upward trend.

In general, the national reading in our province in 2022 presents a good situation in which residents’ reading conditions continue to improve and the efficiency of public reading services continues to improve. People in Zhejiang love, are good at, and value reading, and the construction of “Scholarly Zhejiang” has achieved positive results.

On World Book Day, Hangzhou is full of books. In addition to the National Reading Conference, there were many reading-related activities in Hangzhou yesterday. Have you checked in?

Library night, I am the leader

The major libraries in Hangzhou held reading activities in turn

During the World Book Day, the major libraries in Hangzhou held wonderful reading activities.

On the evening of April 22, the Yangtze River Delta “Library Night” event of the Second National Reading Conference was held in Zhejiang Library. Readers were invited to visit the library at night, read famous books at night, visit the beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River at night, and enjoy a book-like life at night. .

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In order to bring you an immersive cultural experience, the “Night of the Library” event specially invited Changshou Qinze, the former publisher of Zhejiang Ancient Books Publishing House, and Mo Lifeng, a senior professor at the School of Liberal Arts of Nanjing University, to enter the Zhejiang Library and take everyone to “Night Night” “Visit” to explore the treasures, and see the treasures in the collection of Zhe Tu “Wenlan Pavilion Siku Quanshu” and “Leifeng Pagoda Sutra”.

Also on the evening of April 22, Hangzhou Library held the “Reading Lights Up China World Book Day Reading Ceremony and 423 Library Night”. The activities are mainly based on picture book stories, and various forms of performances, creative performances, recitals with music, musicals, sitcoms, etc. are produced to attract everyone to immerse themselves in the world of parent-child reading.

During the World Book Day, the Shangcheng District Bureau of Culture, Radio, Tourism and Sports jointly planned and launched the short book recommendation video “Shangcheng, I am the leader of the book”, recommending a good book to readers every day. In the past year, the Shangcheng District Library continued to promote the construction of characteristic reading spaces, and only added 18 characteristic reading spaces such as Hangzhou Study Room, Theme Library, and Neighborhood Library. Next, more and more new reading spaces will open to your door. In the future, the Shangcheng District Library will optimize the effective supply of public cultural services, and plans to carry out no less than 400 reading promotion activities covering the whole year. In Songyun Shangcheng, it will create “reading at any time, everywhere, and everyone can enjoy reading” reading atmosphere; enjoy the convenience of “books are read by others, and everyone has books to read”, and promote spiritual prosperity together.

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Follow Song Yun

“Recalling Jiangnan and Seeking the Taste of Song Dynasty” Songyun Hangzhou Style Life Festival ended

Yesterday, amidst the fragrance of books on World Book Day, the three-day “Recalling Jiangnan and Seeking the Taste of Song Dynasty” Song Yunhang Style Life Festival came to an end.

The event gathers resources such as domestic well-known cultural and historical experts, cultural and museum forces, and cultural envoys, uses historical records and classics as a medium to trace Song Yun, uses famous think tanks to empower cultural tourism, reads Hangzhou with the concept of big reading, and forms a dialogue across time and space in the content In terms of connotation, it fits the inner temperament of Song Yun and reflects the current life style of Hangzhou. It makes the words, stories, cultural relics and heritage that have accumulated historical smoke and condensed the wisdom of the sages “live” and “warm up”, empowering cultural tourism. Quality development contributes to the construction of a “Chinese-style modern city model” and contributes to cultural tourism.

In the past weekend, Amitabha Temple Cultural Park has become a popular cultural tourism check-in point in Hangzhou. The most famous “Song Yun Book Street” on the scene is the first book market jointly built by Shanghai and Zhejiang, and successfully reproduced the Lin’an Book Market in the Southern Song Dynasty. Countless citizens and tourists put on Hanfu, search for books, go shopping in the market, listen to lectures by famous experts, and return to the cultural and tourism market with fireworks, painting the background of the beautiful Hangzhou city and highlighting the vitality of cultural tourism in Hangzhou.

The event innovatively launched the theme of “following the classics and Song rhyme”, using Zhang Dai’s “West Lake Dream Search” as a guide, and selected “Xian Chun Lin’an Chronicles”, “Mengxi Bi Tan”, “Taiping Huimin Heji Bureau Prescription” and “Mountain “Jia Qing Gong” and other Song Dynasty classics and historical records, trace the source of Song Yun’s Hangzhou-style life from the book, search for the source of Song books, and trace Song Yun. At the same time, it integrates Song Yun culture into the spirit of the times in contemporary Hangzhou, reproduces the cultural form of Song people’s market, explores the diverse life experiences of Song Yun, comprehends the aesthetic sentiment of Song people’s utensils, and restores the elegant taste of life in Song Dynasty. A unique and immersive experience of Song Yun feast.

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In the southeast, the city of the Three Wus, Qiantang has been prosperous since ancient times. During the event, the Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Tourism also released ten short videos of “Song Rhyme Hangzhou in the Classics of Famous Masters”. At the same time, ten tourism itineraries with the theme of “Welcome to the Asian Games·Visit Hangzhou” with Song rhyme culture will be launched, and on the basis of “Song rhyme in Hangzhou in famous books and classics”, tailor-made special cultural tourism itinerary products for Asian Games tourists.

The elegant and taut Song Yun gives people the influence of culture and shapes the beauty of spiritual abundance; the inspiring Asian Games inspires people spiritually and shapes the beauty of physical fitness. The cultural heritage carried by Song Yun and the spiritual connotation behind the Asian Games will continue to “beauty and beauty together”. With the integration of “Double Yun”, we will dig deep into Hangzhou’s rich historical heritage and create a new form of cultural and tourism integration in Hangzhou.

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