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Quantum computing, Federico II University and SEEQC

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Quantum computing, Federico II University and SEEQC

Innovation also starts from the South: in Naples the first Italian quantum computer, thanks to the partnership between the Federico II University of Naples and the international company SEEQC. Quantum computers allow us to approach old and new problems, not before solvable, in a completely different way and with numerous computational advantages. In fact, these are calculators that exploit the laws of physics and quantum mechanics, which studies subatomic particles. Their unit is the qubit, related to the state of a particle or atom.

Campania’s quantum revolution

To give an idea of ​​the great revolution that the quantum computer brings, just think that it is able to solve a mathematical problem in 200 seconds. Instead of the 10,000 years predicted by Google’s proposed algorithm on a supercomputer. To work, it needs a temperature below 270 degrees below zero. And this is the environment that will be recreated in the premises of the Physics Department of Federico II. The university, using PNRR funds, is developing a project for the creation of a quantum computing node in Naples.

Quantum computing – A unique machine in Italy

Francesco Tafuri, professor of Physics of Matter at the “Ettore Pancini” Physics Department of the Federico II University
It will be a unique car in Italy and one of the few in Europe. The physics behind it is exciting and magnificent. The idea is to make it usable also for businesses and other fields of physics.

Gennaro Miele, director of the Physics Department of the Federico II University
We will host in our University a piece of equipment, the quantum computer, which is of a particular type. We start with a prototype that will then develop over the years. The interesting thing is that the technology on which it is based was developed here in Naples. Never as in this case has our city been the protagonist of scientific and research activity on a subject that is currently on the cutting edge. Not only in Europe and Italy, but all over the world.

The goal of SEEQC

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SEEQC is about to launch the first platform of quantum computing. The two realities have been collaborating for several years, through a joint laboratory, to make the Campania region a protagonist in an area dominated by the global giants IBM, Google, Microsoft, Intel. In addition to research such as those of MIT and Harvard in the United States.

The quantum revolution of Campania is underway

Marco Arzeo, Lab Manager at SEEQC-EU
Our company’s ultimate goal is to create a quantum computing platform that we call full stack, i.e. complete. it ranges from hardware to firmware to the end-user cloud interface. There was a strong vision on the part of Frederick II to have an industrial approach on quantum computing in Naples. We must not think of this computer as smaller and faster but as a completely new and revolutionary paradigm of computing. A completely different way to approach problems and solve them.

Quantum computing – The transformation into a commercial application

One of the company’s goals is to make Quantum Computing a commercial application. So a company or a user can take advantage of this technology to acquire advantages in terms of productivity and results for their business. In addition to promoting and simplifying access and massive use of these new computing technologies. Proximity for companies to this tool is already the first step in this direction. Not only. Such cutting-edge and revolutionary technology physically present in Campania allows the region to be even more competitive on a technological level. A tempting way to attract brains from around the world and keep those on the run.

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A partnership for the quantum revolution of Campania

Quantum computers and their opportunities will be discussed during the next edition of Innovation Village. Here a conference will be held on Wednesday 10 May at 2.00 pm at Villa Doria D’Angri (via Petrarca, 80). SEEQC is developing quantum application-specific integrated circuit (qASIC) architectures that are optimally matched to run commercially relevant applications. Therefore, SEEQC red also features a qASIC architecture with one circuit topology, which constitutes the QPU. Optimized to run two reference algorithms; a parity checking algorithm and a so-called “cat-state” generation algorithm.

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