Home » Concerts, it will be an autumn of postponements (with some “stew”)

Concerts, it will be an autumn of postponements (with some “stew”)

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If a good day starts in the morning, the air is not the best for those who have concert tickets of their favorite artists in their pockets. The eight dates of the Sfera Ebbasta «Famoso Tour», scheduled for September and October, have been rescheduled for April 2022 by the promoting agency Trident Music, organizer of the event. A fairly clear indication of what could be the fate of medium / large live shows indoors in the last – hopefully – autumn with the coronavirus. The anti-gathering legislation to prevent Covid is in force until 31 December and, at least for now, does not seem to allow exceptions.

How the anti Covid legislation works

In the white zone, concerts are possible with 25% of maximum capacity indoors and 50% outdoors and in any case no more than 2,500 people indoors and 5,000 outdoors. In the yellow zone a maximum capacity of 50% but in any case no more than a thousand people indoors and 2,500 outdoors. All this, of course, after distancing and green pass. But the theme is another: the “numerical” limits imposed by the legislator are difficult to reconcile with the sold out of 10 thousand spectators in venues such as the Mediolanum Forum in Assago or the Unipol Arena in Bologna.


Seven events that “dance”

With these assumptions, from now to December at least seven events “dance”: ranging from tours in the buildings of Penguins Tattici Nucleari, Brunori and Maneskin, scheduled between September and December (with more than one sold out performance), but also dates in club of artists with great following such as Aiello (sold out at Fabrique in October), Mahmood (sold out at Alcatraz in November) and Madame (another sold out at Alcatraz in December). How does it come out? There are three possible scenarios, well-informed sources reveal.

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Scenario one: no capacity limits

The first – the one hoped for by the sector supply chain – is the government intervention that will lighten the current regulation on capacities: away the limits in the venues, in exchange for greater scruple in access controls. Considering the assumptions, the less probable scenario also appears: with the Delta variant acting as a stone guest, no signals have arrived from the Draghi government in this direction, at least until now. In the Roman palaces the focus is on back to school. Filed that practice, in the second half of September news could finally arrive for the world of entertainment. But it is by no means certain that the smoke will be white, even considering that the pressure exerted on politics by the sector – fragmented and economically less important than the football industry – already in other battles, such as the one on the nominal ticket, has proved anything but irresistible.

Scenario two: concerts postponed

The second possible scenario, and more likely, is that of postponement to 2022. Which in some cases would even be a second or third postponement, considering that some of the dancing dates were originally scheduled for spring 2020, when the coronavirus trouble broke out . In short, Sfera Ebbasta protocol for everyone. The solution is technically simpler, but it presents some potential risk: one wonders, in fact, how the fanbase would react in the face of yet another postponement of the performance of their favorites. If you take a tour on the social pages of the singers, it will take you little to understand that every patience has a limit.

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