Home » Cholesterol: for those who suffer from it, cheese should be avoided

Cholesterol: for those who suffer from it, cheese should be avoided

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Cholesterol: for those who suffer from it, cheese should be avoided

Keeping cholesterol at the correct levels is essential at any age, even more so for those who already have other health problems. You have to pay attention to what you eat if you don’t want to encounter unpleasant surprises.

Cheeses (web photo)

Mediterranean diet and constant physical activity are the best way to prevent the cholesterol level from rising excessively. In addition to paying attention to what you put at the table, it is equally important to avoid smoking (it lowers the level of “good” cholesterol), eliminate excess weight and waistline and check, in agreement with your doctor, if you have other diseases that can put the person’s general health at risk, such as high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus.

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The importance of cholesterol is often underestimated, but it is actually decisive for several purposes. This substance, in fact, is necessary for the synthesis of various hormones (cortisol, testosterone and estrogen), participates in cell metabolism and composes its membranes. When the level becomes too high, cholesterol is deposited on the walls of the blood vessels, causing them to thicken and stiffen, generating a process that is called atherosclerosis.

If the situation is not stemmed quickly, the deposits become plaques and end up narrowing the vessel and, in the most serious cases, blocking the blood flow. Failure to act with a dietary modification and medication can lead to heart attacks or strokes.

The first step to prevent cholesterol levels from rising is diet. Anyone who thinks that this entails the need to give up the foods we are most attached to are wrong.

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For the condiments it would be good to prefer vegetable oils, among which olive oil stands out. Green light for all types of fish, which have a high level of “good fats”, the famous omega 3, as well as vegetables and fresh fruit.

Instead, it is advisable to reduce the intake of saturated fats, which are usually present in red meat, meats, cheeses, processed foods and sweets.

However, there is good news for those who can’t give up a dose of cheese at the end of a meal. In fact, there is a type that we could consume regularly despite being really tasty without running the risk of having to regret it later. This is tofu, which many choose to also include in a salad.

This is obtained from the yellow soybeans by coagulating the soy milk proteins together with the natural “rennet”. For vegans and vegetarians it is practically essential, since it is completely of vegetable origin.

tofu table
Photo | Pixabay

In addition to being useful for those who want to avoid hypercholesterolemia, tofu is appreciated for the presence of polyunsaturated fats and lecithin, as well as being rich in potassium and low in sodium and calories. It is therefore also suitable for those on a diet, as well as for strengthening the muscles. In short, those who love him now will love him even more.

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