Home » Here is the “healthy sugar” that lowers blood sugar and cholesterol, a natural antibiotic sweetener

Here is the “healthy sugar” that lowers blood sugar and cholesterol, a natural antibiotic sweetener

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Here is the “healthy sugar” that lowers blood sugar and cholesterol, a natural antibiotic sweetener

With the world grappling with obesity and diabetes, attention to calories but also to quality of the type of sugar consumed it is of great importance. Among the foods used such as sweeteneramong the most healthy one stands out in particular, recognized as such by various scientific studies.

Thanks to the content of common and rare sugars, proteins, organic acids and other bioactive compounds, the miele, preferably raw, is certainly among the healthiest sweetening foods. Obviously without exceeding.

Honey, healthy sweetener that lowers blood sugar and cholesterol

Il miele – especially acacia honey, clover honey and unprocessed raw honey – can improve heart disease control fasting blood sugar and the levels of cholesterol when consumed as part of a healthy diet, according to a systematic review and meta-analysis conducted by scientists at the University of Toronto.

Our results are surprising, because honey contains about 80% sugar,said Tauseef Khan, a researcher at the University of Toronto and St Michael’s Hospital. “But honey is also a complex composition of common and rare sugars, proteins, organic acids, and other bioactive compounds that most likely have health benefits.“.

Khan and colleagues conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled trials to examine the effect of honey intake on adiposity, glycemia, lipids, blood pressuremarkers of hepatic steatosis non alcoholic e markers inflammatory and to evaluate the certainty of evidence using the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation) approach.

They included a total of 18 controlled trials with 1,105 participants in their analysis. The mean daily dose of honey in the trials was 40 gramsabout 2 spoons. The average duration of the trial was 8 weeks.

The authors found that honey has lowered fasting blood sugaril total cholesterol e LDL (“bad“), i triglycerides and a marker of fatty liver disease. She also has increased l’HDL (cholesterolbuono“).

Raw honey carried many of the beneficial effects found in studies, as did honey from monofloral sources such as acacia and clover.

While processed honey clearly loses many of its health effects after pasteurization – typically 65°C for at least 10 minutes – the effect of a hot drink on raw honey depends on several factors and probably would not destroy all of its beneficial properties.Khan explained.

The view among public health and nutrition experts has long been that ‘a sugar is a sugar’,” he has declared John Sievenpiper, expert from the University of Toronto and St Michael’s Hospital. “These results show that It is not so and they should question the designation of honey in dietary guidelines“.

We’re not saying you should start taking honey if you currently avoid sugar,Khan added. “The point is more about substitution: If you’re using table sugar, syrup, or another sweetener, substituting those sugars for honey could lower your cardiometabolic risks.“.

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The results were published in Nutrition Reviews.

What is honey

Honey is the product obtained from the transformation of the secretions of flowers (nectar) and the secretions of some insects (honeydew), thanks to the processing of bees. This food is highly energetic and consists of simple sugars, such as fructose and glucose, enzymes, vitamins, oligominerals, antibiotic-like substances and substances that can promote growth processes. Honey is known to have numerous health benefits, but not everyone knows why honey can help heal our body and improve our overall health.

Honey contains antioxidant substances, vitamins and proteins which, if consumed daily, can help the body get rid of toxins. In addition, it has antibacterial properties that help improve skin conditions, in fact honey-based masks are well known at a cosmetic level because they help the skin in cell regeneration. Honey is an excellent sugar substitute, several studies show that substituting this nectar can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in obese people. If you have overweight problems, most doctors recommend controlling and reducing the consumption of sugars by replacing them with natural ones such as honey.

This food does not contain cholesterol, so it helps reduce the levels of “bad cholesterol” in the blood. A study carried out in 2011 showed that menopausal women, who consume a spoonful of honey a day, have improvements in memory. It is also excellent for those suffering from insomnia, as honey sugar causes an increase in insulin and releases serotonin: the substance that improves mood and mental tranquility. In fact, the body transforms serotonin into melatonin, a chemical compound that regulates the quality of sleep. Many recommend eating a teaspoon of honey on an empty stomach, because it prevents various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, several scholars state that, when honey arrives in the stomach, it counteracts any bacteria present and helps heal small mucosal wounds.

Honey, benefits and possible contraindications

According to an in-depth analysis ofHumanitas Research Hospitalhighly specialized hospital, research center and university teaching center,

there are several health benefits that can derive from the consumption of miele: according to several studies it is able to stimulate memory and concentration and also seems to be able to relieve anxiety and stress. Since it is able to act on the intestinal bacterial flora, honey can be considered an ally of the intestine. Its properties natural antibacterials they also make it a valid remedy for coughs, sore throats and in general against diseases of the upper airways. In the cosmetics sector, honey is used to eliminate impurities from the skin and to give brightness to the hair“.

On average 100 grams of honey develop 304 Calorie and contain approximately:

  • 18 g of water
  • 0.6 g in proteine
  • 80 g of carbohydrates
  • 80 g of sugars
  • 5 mg of calcium
  • 0.5 mg of iron
  • 11 mg of sodium
  • 51 mg of potassium
  • 6 mg of phosphorus
  • 3 mg of magnesium
  • 0.04 mg of vitamin B2 or Riboflavin
  • 0.3 mg of vitamin B3 or Niacin
  • 1 mg of vitamin C
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From brain injuries to tumors: all the health benefits of honey

The benefits of honey go beyond its pleasant taste. A great natural source of carbohydrates that provide strength and energy to the body, honey is known for its effectiveness in instantly improving the performance and endurance of athletes and reducing muscle fatigue. Its natural sugars play an important role in preventing it tiredness during exercise. The glucose present in honey is absorbed quickly by the body and provides an immediate energetic charge, while fructose is absorbed more slowly, providing constant energy. It is known that honey also maintains the levels of glycemia constant compared to other types of sugar.

Here are some tips to receive these health benefits:

  • Next time, before engaging in physical activity, take a spoon of honey to give something more.
  • Se vi sentite below e apathetic in the morning, instead of a can of energy drinks, which can be very dangerous to your health, try honey. Use it in place of sugar in your tea or spread it on toast for a rejuvenating source of energy.
  • If your children find it difficult to sustain the hectic school activities, prepare them some toast with honey, butter and ham to ensure they have energy for the day. And for a great night restit is advisable to give a spoonful of honey to children every day before they go to bed.

Among the many health benefits of honey, there is also its ability to strengthen the immune system. Its antioxidant and antibacterial properties can help the digestive system and help us stay healthy and healthy fight disease. To observe these benefits, every morning mix a spoonful of honey and the juice of half a lemon in a cup of warm water and drink.

What many people may not know or have overlooked is that honey possesses anticancer properties. There are more and more studies that indicate the potential role of honey in the prevention and progression of tumors.

Some studies have also shown that honey has natural antioxidant and therapeutic properties that are able to prevent cognitive decline and the dementia and to improve circulation and the cholinergic system in the brain.

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Honey is a natural remedy for:

Sore throat: One of the best known health benefits of honey is that it helps fight sore throats. Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, honey not only relieves a sore throat but can also kill some bacteria that cause infections. Professional singers commonly use honey to soothe their throats before performances. A tablespoon of honey is enough to relieve inflammation or gargle with a mix of two tablespoons of honey, 4 tablespoons of lemon juice and a pinch of salt.

Cuts and burns: For thousands of years, honey has been recognized as one of the most natural home remedies for curing a wide range of diseases and ailments, such as fungal infections, athlete’s foot e arthritic pains. Its antiseptic properties prevent the growth of some bacteria and help keep external wounds clean and free from infection. Honey is used as a natural cure in first aid treatments for wounds, burns and cuts as it is able to absorb moisture from the air and promote healing. Its antibacterial properties prevent infections and work as an anti-inflammatory agent, reducing both swelling that the ache and even helping in the scarring.

Sbornie: after having drunk too much, the effects of the hangover can be combated with a honey-based remedy. Honey is gentle on the stomach and contains a mix of natural sugars, such as fructose known to speed up the liver’s oxidation of alcohol. The recipe is very simple: 15ml of liquid honey, 80ml of orange juice, 70ml of natural yoghurt. Stir until the mix is ​​homogeneous.

Insomnia: for insomnia there is nothing better than the famous remedy of milk and honey. Take a glass of warm milk with a spoonful of honey to induce sleep. Or add 1 or 2 tablespoons of honey to a cup of chamomile tea and sip.

Honey, a powerful natural sweetener antibiotic

Il miele it is able to fight infections without creating antibiotic resistant bacteria. A study, published in European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, found that the honey destroyed every bacteria or pathogen it was tested on. Researchers have found that it can be taken or applied topically. “Our study is the first to clearly demonstrate that these honey-based products could in many cases replace antibiotic creams on wounds and devices, such as catheters. Using honey as an in-between treatment might as well prolong the life of antibiotics”, said Dr. Dee Carter.

Please note that the information on this page is of a general nature and for informational purposes and in no case replaces the opinion of the doctorthe first reference point to turn to for information, clarifications, and to rely on for advice or exams.

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