Home » Pelvic floor, if you do these things you keep it healthy: very quick tricks

Pelvic floor, if you do these things you keep it healthy: very quick tricks

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Pelvic floor, if you do these things you keep it healthy: very quick tricks

Did you know that the pelvic floor is very important for organ support? Find out how to keep him trained.

When we train or simply in everyday life, we almost tend to forget about the existence of the pelvic floor and its fundamental role in our health.

What to do to keep the pelvic floor in training – thewisemagazine.it

Il Pelvic floor is a set of muscles and ligaments which support the organs in the pelvis. It has an important role in controlling urination and sexuality. Keeping it strong and supple is essential for physical well-being and quality of life.

The importance of keeping the pelvic floor trained

The pelvic floor is held in place by three elements, as mentioned before, namely pubococcygeal muscles, ligaments and endopelvic fascia, structures that form a sort of elastic trampoline, active both in rest position and after exertion such as coughing, sneezing or lifting weights.

Keeping your pelvic floor fit and strong is very important for several reasons, including:

Improve voiding control: strengthens the muscles that help hold urine in the bladder.For one less incontinence urinary: in case of weakened muscles, exercise can reduce or prevent stress incontinence.For improve intimate health: strengthens the muscles involved in erection and orgasm by improving sexual response.For do not suffer from chronic pelvic pain: Toned muscles relieve tension in soft tissues by reducing pain such as recurring cystitis and prolapse.For one better posture: trained muscles better support the internal organs, helping the correct position of the spine.For prevent problems during pregnancy: muscle tone facilitates childbirth and avoids postpartum prolapses.

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But are there any exercises and tips that can help maintain the tone and elasticity of the pelvic floor? Of course yes, let’s discover them together!

The 4 tips you need to keep your pelvic floor healthy

Directly from the Instagram account of @Silviabergaminifisioterapista let’s find out what to do for our pelvic floor:

Avoid crossing your legs for the pelvic floor – thewisemagazine.itAvoid holding the legs crossed for too long if you work seated or at a desk, in any case get up every one or two hours to relax your muscles If you have a sedentary lifestyle, eliminate pelvic floor tension thanks to the Asian squats.Run some mobility exercises for the hips, two or three times a week. In the bathroom, don’t push at random, but bend your torso forward bringing in the navel.

And did you already know these tips to help your pelvic floor? Do you know any others that you’ve been following for some time?

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