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Victoria Beckham, her 5-step diet to copy

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“I am very, very disciplined. Both at work and at the table. I expect a lot from my body, I’m 47, have four children and I travel a lot for work. To face all this I have to eat healthy ”- he revealed Victoria Beckham during an interview. “In the past I have been vegan for more than a year but I felt I did not have the energy I needed to face my countless commitments.” Perhaps it is also for this reason that the former Posh Spice, to find his balance, relied on the advice of Amelia Freer, a nutritionist also known in the UK for putting Boy George and Sam Smith back on their feet and spokesperson for what is called positive power supply. A diet intended not as deprivation or, worse, punishment, but as a path to feeling good through the pleasures that come from food. A sound mind in a sound body, so to speak.

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“In this period, thanks to the pandemic, many people have found in food an emotional comfort, a way to relieve stress and frustration. The gratification that comes from this behavior risks having a boomerang effect, as it affects both health and weight “, explains Freer to Vogue UK. “Food can be a very emotional topic, which is intrinsically linked with our memories, family, culture. In the relationship with food we must always be patient, caring and positive, only with this attitude can we build a healthy lifestyle. But let’s remember that no one is perfect, perfection is not a model to aspire to ”.

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To explain how to establish a healthy and balanced relationship with food, without spending hours in the kitchen, Amelia Freer has published, in collaboration with Create Academy, The Joy Of Healthy Eating, an online course of 30 episodes lasting 10 minutes each, whose cornerstones can be summarized in 5 fundamental tips.

Give preference to “nutrients”

According to Freer, consume more nutrient-rich foods then fruits and vegetables, whole grains, sources of noble proteins, good fats, oil seeds, nuts and water it is the only change that can make a difference when it comes to health and well-being. To build a healthy diet it is important to set the main meals with these foods.

Finding the right balance

“To build a balanced dish, which includes all the nutrients our body needs to stay healthy, it is good istart each meal with a couple of servings of vegetables (at breakfast you can opt for a fresh fruit salad) to match a source protein, which can come from fish, meat, eggs, legumes and good fats like olive oil or avocado. If we have been exercising, so we feel particularly hungry, we can also introduce unrefined carbohydrates such as, for example, rice or whole grains, new potatoes or sweet “, explained Freer to Vogue UK.

Melia Freer recommends flavoring dishes with spices, black pepper, chilli and a squeeze of lemon juice.

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Food as a pleasure

“Food is one of the simplest but most important pleasures of our life. Before embarking on any nutrition path it is essential understand what we really like to eat and that can work for us. In the kitchen we have to dare, experiment, play with the ingredients ”, explains the nutritionist.

Not just food

Food is important, but it must not become an obsession. The way we eat is intimately linked to every aspect of our life, both social and emotional. If we are not comfortable with ourselves, if we live affections and work in a conflictual way, we will hardly be able to approach a healthy diet. Before thinking about how we should eat, it is essential to focus on the different aspects of our life, “in order not to lose sight of the big picture”.

Sustainability and seasonality of products

“Our health is unquestionably linked to that of our planet. The decisions we make as consumers are becoming increasingly important due to the impact they have on the environment. Being more aware is the first step to making sustainable decisions. That’s why I recommend the consumption of seasonal and locally grown products, which guarantee greater variety throughout the year ”, he concludes Amelia Freer.

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