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You need brains to lose weight

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For a diet to be successful requires the collaboration of brain. The mechanisms that regulate the hunger-satiety mechanism are in fact found in thehypothalamus, a structure of the brain in which numerous processes of fundamental importance for the functioning of the organism reside: this is enough to make us understand that, without the collaboration of the mind, lose weight it can get even more difficult. However, there are many things we can do to “convince” the brain to lend us a hand: the first of all is the Positive thought.

NO SELF-SABOTAGE – We are all well aware of this: embarking on a weight loss journey involves a certain amount of sacrifices. However, if fatigue and effort become a fixed thought, the journey can become even more difficult. Negative thoughts like “I’ll never make it” or “I’m condemned to these hateful bearings” turn into a ballast heavier than the kilos we have to get rid of. Better to focus on the goal: a more pleasant silhouette, the fact that you like yourself looking in the mirror, a better state of health. The prize is there and, with a little effort, it is within our reach, even if it requires a certain effort.

POSITIVE THINKING vs. NEGATIVE – Here are some examples of negative thinking that we must fight and replace with as many positive ones:

– I’ll never make it! Vs. Difficulties are faced day by day, but I can do it

– I’ll start on Monday! Vs. The time is now!

– I missed it, what a shame! Vs. I went astray, patience: today I’ll be even more careful!

– We are family fat, I can’t help it! Vs. We are not slaves to genetics, just commit even more to follow a right lifestyle

– I had a bad day, I deserve a dessert! Vs. I’d like a dessert, but I’ll console myself with a good film at the cinema.

STRESS IS AN ENEMY – Better to avoid going on a diet in a period in which we are too stressed. Tiredness and anxiety are often responsible for nervous hunger, but food can only give an illusory satisfaction. Better understand the reasons for our discomfort and try to find satisfaction without opening the refrigerator. Another good rule is to avoid sitting at the table when we feel too tired, angry or sad: we will eat more than we should without being able to really enjoy the good taste of our meal.

CALL FOR BOREDOM – Long and empty afternoons, boring and unrewarding tasks, the sense of loneliness and frustration are enemies to fight because they push us to gnaw at everything that comes to hand. If moments like this happen to us, let’s avoid keeping tempting foods like sweets and chips close at hand, but let’s vent our nervousness with something healthy and crunchy like raw vegetables or an apple. The fact of having to chew each bite for a long time will still give us a certain satisfaction. We then organize something interesting and pleasant on which to focus attention and which can serve as a reward at the end of the activity.

WHO GOES LOW GOES FAR– If we have chosen a very strict regime, which makes us lose weight quickly but which imposes too many sacrifices on us, it is more likely that the effort will lead us to abandon all the way. Once the goal has been achieved, then the difficulty remains of maintaining the ideal weight, without falling into the spiral of
efficiency yoyo. A balanced and not too punitive diet is more likely to turn into a lifestyle to keep forever, in a stable way.

IN HARMONY WITH OURSELVES – Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight should be a matter of well-being, or rather of feeling good: it should therefore not make us suffer, but make us reach harmony with ourselves. To achieve this balance we must look at our figure as a state of good health to be built day by day, in which a balanced diet is accompanied by correct physical activity and relaxation of the mind, in a good relationship with ourselves and , consequently, with others. If a stumbling block occurs along this path, such as some mistake during a holiday or for some festivity, it will be quite easy to run for cover, without compromising all the balance that we have managed to establish.

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