Home » Inpec requested security for the witness in the ‘narco-prosecutors’ case

Inpec requested security for the witness in the ‘narco-prosecutors’ case

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Inpec requested security for the witness in the ‘narco-prosecutors’ case

Juan David Rengifo, alias La R, a key witness in the case of the drug prosecutors, is being held with an 18-year sentence for kidnapping and homicide. He has received various death threats from the penitentiary center, so the National Penitentiary and Prison Institute (Inpec) ) ordered protective measures to be taken.

Inpec guards will have to monitor all of Rengifo’s movements inside and outside the Picaleña penitentiary center in Ibagué because the prisoner has valuable information about the organization known as ‘The Great Alliance’.

“I allow myself to request that the following person deprived of liberty permanently implement security measures in all types of internal and external displacement: notification or lawyer cubicle area, health, visitation, in remission, etc. The measures must be implemented before, during and after these movements,” the request reads.
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Alias ​​La R will have constant surveillance because he received harassment after testifying against the members of the criminal organization that has its fiscal services, lawyers, police and judicial officials in different parts of the country, especially in Valle del Cauca.

“Likewise, supervision must be exercised over it, especially with the coexistence of the other PPLs in the pavilion. Fully identify the PPL, applying permanent visual control and constant searches at night, recording their physical presence, health condition and being aware of their security situation, in favor of their protection of their fundamental rights, leaving the respective records in the corresponding minutes,” the document indicates.


According to information collected from Semana magazine, a group of drug traffickers would have paid for his murder so that it would be carried out during his transfer to the Ibagué prison: “A sum of money was paid in Bogotá to remove the witness from a cell block.” special known as ERE where former public officials or people with protection are found to be transferred to Girón, Santander, where the criminal plan would be carried out. The bosses known as Beto el Gitano and alias 06 are the authors of this attack,” the complaint states.

Those involved in the harassment would have paid a millionaire sum to end the life of alias la R and thus would remove one part of the evidence against him.

“Since, if the witness disappeared, these two bosses would not go to prison. They protect alias 06 from the Prosecutor’s Office bunker and he is the one who stopped his capture… Before they murder this witness, who is in Girón prison, Santander, he is Juan David Rengifo alias La R, right hand man of alias Mueble Fine”, indicates the complaint.

Rengifo signed a principle of opportunity with the Prosecutor’s Office and became the key witness in the investigation that compromises several officials and drug traffickers who formed a criminal society. According to some media outlets, he also presented some evidence and of these the files against prosecutors Iván Aguirre and Ana Victoria Nieto.

Due to the loss of the files against the prosecutors who had committed irregularities in their position at the service of the drug traffickers of Valle del Cauca, declared the Third Deputy Prosecutor, José Fredy Restrepo, before the Court in Cali that was in charge of the case called narco-prosecutors indicating that it was not related to the loss of evidence.

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Prosecutor Restrepo said that the order to remove the investigation was from the Prosecutor’s Office in Bogotá and at the time he delivered all the evidence and left it reflected in the minutes.

“It is surprising that I was not asked by the new prosecutor to even consult about it. The news is surprising because when I was relieved of the case three years ago, for a week I compiled with my judicial police team a folio by folio inventory of more than 30 physical notebooks and other digital ones, making physical delivery and details to the judicial police,” said the prosecutor. José Restrepo on his YouTube channel. With Infobae

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