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Know the dangers of taking fentanyl

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Know the dangers of taking fentanyl

The fentanyl that circulates on the black market in Cali is highly addictive and can cause various health complications.

This drug has become the new public health problem in the world, especially in the United States, since it has generated several deaths and thousands of people affected by its effects.

This chemical compound generates a high addiction due to the feeling of relaxation it generates in the body, but this can be lethal to health.

Fentanyl is an opioid that is primarily used in medical settings for sedation purposes.

This drug is not available in pharmacies or medical centers, so it is being produced in illegal laboratories in different parts of the world.

When a person takes fentanyl, they may feel a feeling of euphoria at first, but then they become drowsy.

This state could cause respiratory depression, respiratory arrest or death in the person who consumes it.

medical explanation

“Fentanyl was used primarily as a sedation and analgesia drug by physicians. However, at this time it is used and produced illegally for recreational purposes,” Maurix Fernando Rojas, a HUV toxicologist told the 90 Minutes newscast.

“When the person begins to consume it, they do not take the dose into account and at any moment they fall asleep and can enter into respiratory depression,” he added.

“Furthermore, fentanyl can be generated, not only in ampoules, but also in powder, pills and liquid solutions, which can make the variety much wider and the consumption mechanisms more,” added the HUV toxicologist. .


– Fentanyl, belongs to the group of opioids, is a relative of heroin and morphine.

In addition, it can be mixed with other drugs such as cocaine, neuroleptics and ketanine, which creates more lethal and addictive drugs, generating dependency.

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– Some consequences on physical integrity are greenish marks on the skin, depending on the type of consumption and with what other drug it was mixed.

At this time, the Hospital Universitario del Valle is preparing to attend to any case of fentanyl consumption that is registered.

The toxicologist explained that the HUV has naloxone, with which the effects of fentanyl are reversed.

Cali authorities combat fentanyl trafficking in the city

The authorities of the capital of Valle ask the National Government to initiate a strategy to prevent this new drug from circulating in Colombia.

In this sense, the mayor of Cali, Jorge Iván Ospina, announced that an inter-institutional commission will be held this week to prevent the circulation of fentanyl in the city.

“Fentanyl is highly addictive, creating a feeling of relaxation, and people who become addicted become ghosts. The circulation of fentanyl in Colombian society has to do with a matter of national security and the greatest attention must be paid,” said the mayor.

Strategic plan

The Mayor’s Office, secretaries, health and security authorities of Cali will meet to monitor the consumption and sale of this substance that can be registered in the city.

The idea of ​​this committee is to create a strategy to prevent the sale, consumption and circulation of this drug, which becomes more addictive than any other.

“If we already know that it is circulating in large proportions in Mexico and the United States, the city of Cali must anticipate it because in times of globalization fentanyl can easily circulate,” said Jorge Iván Ospina.

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It’s killing young people all over the planet

The DEA administrator; Anne Milgram, reported that Mexican cartels would be behind the increase in deaths from fentanyl overdose.

These were recorded during the report prepared by the organization.

According to Milgram, 107,622 US citizens died between 2020 and 2021 from this potent opioid.

According to the administrator; the Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel would be responsible for transporting the fentanyl to the United States.

Subsequently, traffickers seek to counterfeit it and sell it as pain-treatment pills; such as OxyContin, Adderall, or Percocet.


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