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The 10 best books on slavery

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The 10 best books on slavery

Slavery is a form of coercion whereby one or more human beings exploit the work of other human beings without any accountability. Slavery has existed for centuries throughout human history in various forms. It has been used, for example, to carry out various types of work or to satisfy the wishes of the owner on duty. Slaves themselves have also been used as a form of currency in the past.
Slavery books are sought after by people who want to learn more about the history, impact and legacy of slavery. These books can provide insight into the causes and consequences of slavery, as well as the experiences of enslaved individuals.

What are the books about slavery about?

This list of books on Amazon focuses on the subject of slavery and its various aspects. Some of these books look at the historical aspect of slavery, such as its prevalence in different parts of the world and in different time periods. For example, “History of Slavery in Africa” ​​and “Slavery in the Modern Age” are both historical books that explore the topic of slavery from a specific geographical and temporal perspective. These books are relatively long, at more than 500 pages each, and are written by industry experts.
Other books on the list examine slavery from a more philosophical or social perspective, such as “The Road to Slavery” by Friedrich A. von Hayek. This book, published in 1995, explores the relationship between economic freedom and personal freedom, arguing that the two are inseparable. Similarly, “The Slave Trade” is a book that examines the history of the slave trade and its impact on the global economy. This book is relatively short, at just over 180 pages, and is written by a historian and a translator. Then there are books that focus on specific historical events and individuals, such as the Amistad slave rebellion and the experiences of slaves in the Mediterranean region, and others that examine contemporary issues related to slavery, such as “Nigerian Mafia”.

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List of the best books on slavery on Amazon

Below is the top list of the 10 best books on slavery that you can buy on Amazon:

Slavery books FAQ

What are the top three slavery books on Amazon?

What is the best book on slavery in the modern age?

What is the best book on the history of slavery in Africa?

What is the best slavery study?

What is the best book on the history of the Amistad?

What is the best book on the slave trade?

What is the best book about slaves in ancient Greece and ancient Rome?

What is the best movie book about slavery?

What is the best book on the slave trade?

What is the best book on Nigerian mafia and slavery?

Summary table of the best books on slavery

Title Author Edition Pages
Slavery in the modern age Delpiano, Patricia 2021 176
History of slavery in Africa Lovejoy, Paul E. 2015 572
The way of slavery Hayek, Friedrich A. von; Antiseri, D. (translator); De Mucci, R. (translator) 1995 304
The Amistad Rebellion. An Atlantic odyssey of slavery and freedom Rediker, Marcus; Peri, F. (translator) 2013 318
The slave trade. Essay on global history Pétré-Grenouilleau, Olivier; Falcioni, R. (translator) 2010 472
Slaves in the Greek and Roman world Andrew, John; Descat, Raymond; Biundo, R. (translator) 2014 244
History in cinema. Slavery on the screen from Kubrick to Spielberg Zemon Davis, Natalie; Pizzolato, Nicola (translator) 2007 174
The slave trade Lindsay, Lisa A.; Marcocci, G. (edited by), Falcioni, R. (translator) 2011 186
Mediterranean slavery. Corsairs, renegades and saints of the modern age River, Joanna 2009 385
Nigerian mafia. Between animism and neo-slavery: how Nigerian secret cults operate in Italy IMD; Razzante, Ranieri (Preface) 2019 158
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