Home » The final stretch begins for candidates for the governorships

The final stretch begins for candidates for the governorships

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The final stretch begins for candidates for the governorships

Rodolfo Hernandez: The civil engineer registered his candidacy for the Santander Governorship against all odds. He did it endorsed by his Anti-Corruption Rulers League Party, which also accompanied him in his race to reach the House of Nariño in 2022.

Hernández’s decision surprised different political sectors, since the Attorney General’s Office disqualified him for 14 years, during which time, according to the entity, he will not be able to hold public office. The move against him was due to his possible links to the well-known Vitalogic case.

He was councilor of the municipality of Piedecuesta, mayor of Bucaramanga and senator of the Republic. Now, at 78 years of age, he seeks to govern the department of Santander, for which he has promised the construction of a plant for the transformation of waste into energy, in addition to turning Bucaramanga into a model city in Latin America.

Dilian Francisca Bull: He resigned from the leadership of the Partido de La U, with the purpose of launching his candidacy for Governor of Valle. In fact, he entered the regional contest on July 27 by registering his aspiration before the National Registry.

“Today, I am here to entrust myself to God, to ask Him for health, strength and wisdom to face this campaign and if He wants, to achieve in the next four years a work of heart for all Valle del Cauca residents,” said the 68-year-old rheumatology specialist. year old.

After her registration as a candidate, she spoke about the need to fight for the recovery of security in the Valley, but also to recover the trust of citizens towards their rulers.

Juan Diego Gómez: With the support of the Conservative Party, Juan Diego Gómez registered as a candidate for the Governor of Antioquia, after an intense tour of the main areas of this department, where he had the opportunity to better understand the reality of the people.

In recent statements published by the media, he assured that the region poses three great challenges that he will bravely assume if he is elected governor on October 29: reduction of extreme poverty, eradication of hunger and fight against crime.

Gómez is not a novice in political matters and that is his main letter of introduction to win the regional contest. He was a deputy in Antioquia on two occasions, as well as a representative to the Chamber and a senator of the Republic.

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“I feel very happy about this, but also a lot of responsibility, because after touring Antioquia, I have no doubt that the public wants and desires a government that fulfills its promises,” said the also lawyer.

Juan Emilio Rey: Once again, Juan Emilio Rey aspires to the Governor of Cundinamarca. During the 2016-2019 period, he was in charge of the administration of this department, being chosen with 540,000 votes. In this new opportunity, he is emerging as the most popular applicant.

“I have made the decision to aspire to the Governorship of Cundinamarca from the hand of God, Alexandra, Milagros and Emanuel,” announced Rey, who has the support of different sectors and organizations, especially those of Colombia Renaciente, a party afro founded in 2018.

Rey also includes in his resume having been mayor of Funza and representative to the Chamber. His experience in the political arena will surely help you during his candidacy.

Carlos Amaya: With the support of Dignity and Commitment, Carlos Amaya registered his candidacy for the Governor of Boyacá. He had already governed that department in the 2016-2019 period, but this year he had considered running for mayor of Bogotá. Quickly, he gave up on such a decision.

After announcing his aspirations, he received the support of political personalities close to his circle such as Jorge Enrique Robledo and Sergio Fajardo, whom he thanked for their trust.

Amaya was a student leader and congressman, noted for leading social mobilizations of more than 20,000 young people from all higher education houses in the country. In the legislative field, he was the author of bills 184 and 185, which establish differential rates in terms of public transportation for Colombian students.

Atilano Giraldo: The Liberal Party gave Atilano Giraldo the endorsement of his candidacy in the Governor’s Office of Quindío. He resigned from his seat in the House of Representatives a month before the end of his constitutional term in 2022.

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After receiving all the support of the community, he urged the unit for the well-being of Quindío. For this reason, he called on other parties to defend his aspirations, considering that he is a good option to manage the department fairly and efficiently.

“It is a fact. The liberal endorsement was given to us today to represent the good citizens of Quindío. In this dream, everyone fits, everyone is welcome because liberal ideas unite many of us,” said this 66-year-old politician.

Berner Zambrano: In his opinion, his campaign “grows massively,” he assured that his aspirations for the Governor of Nariño are supported by more than 100 candidates for mayoralty, municipal councils, and assemblies belonging to that department.

Endorsed by the Partido de La U, he has traveled most of the Nariño areas to get to know their reality up close. “The development of this campaign has allowed me to meet again in all the municipalities of our Nariño, with old friends and acquaintances, with whom, through the years, we have worked for the progress of the region, who have expressed their full support for my campaign for Governor.

He makes available to the people of Nariño all his wisdom and experience in the political world. Zambrano is a 65-year-old economist who has also held important seats in the House of Representatives on more than one occasion.

Juan Diego Patino: Accompanied by relatives and followers, Juan Diego Patiño registered his candidacy for the Governor of Risaralda on July 24. He was supported by various political parties such as Cambio Radical, Nuevo Liberalismo, Colombia Justa y Libre, Partido Liberal and Centro Democrático.

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In addition, he was accompanied by environmentalists, actors, the rural sector, the Lgbti community, community leaders, candidates for assemblies, congressmen, the elderly, taxi drivers, athletes, and more.

William Ospina: With the endorsement of the League of Anti-Corruption Governors, this July 27 William Ospina registered as a candidate in Tolima. He is a poet and novelist born in the town of Herveo, who assured that he embarks on a path in politics as a tool to serve the population.

“We have left politics in the wrong hands because it is ugly to get dirty, we are going to rescue the honesty of politics and the cleanliness of politics and we will try that this is not a fight of cats and dogs, full of slander and insults. We are going to propose and, of course, respect other people’s ideas, but we will fight for a new way of looking at politics and Tolima, ”he said.

Ospina is one of those who believes in the importance of “distributing resources equitably” so that they do not fall into the wrong hands.

Yamil Arana: One of the candidates in the department of Bolívar is Yamil Arana, an economist born in Magangué who has based his proposals for the Governor’s Office on the fight against insecurity. His program proposes the “construction of a better Bolívar”, which requires the support of the majority.

“Just as we started today with our first official act as candidates, as we started the campaign, in order and with respect for the citizen, so we will govern; with order, respect and authority, ”he said after making his candidacy official.

He appears as a representative to the Chamber between 2018 and 2022, a position he achieved by establishing himself, at that time, as one of the most voted for the Conservative Party at the national level.

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