Home » Tragic Death of 18-Month-Old Baby: Parents Arrested After Forgetting Child in Hot Car

Tragic Death of 18-Month-Old Baby: Parents Arrested After Forgetting Child in Hot Car

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Tragic Death of 18-Month-Old Baby: Parents Arrested After Forgetting Child in Hot Car

Tragic Death of 18-Month-Old Baby in Central Florida Sparks Investigation

Miami, FL – In a heartbreaking incident, an 18-month-old baby lost her life due to hyperthermia after being left behind in a car parked outdoors for approximately eight hours in central Florida. The parents, Joel and Jazmine Rondón, both 33 years old, have been arrested and charged with “aggravated involuntary manslaughter of a minor,” according to authorities.

The devastating incident took place on July 4, the day of Independence in the United States. After attending a party, the Rondóns returned to their residence in Lakeland late at night, unaware that their precious daughter was still strapped into her car seat in the back of their vehicle. It was not until the following day at around 11 a.m. that Joel Rondón, unable to locate his little girl inside their home, discovered her inside the car, still exposed to the scorching sun.

In a statement released by the Polk County Sheriff’s Office, Joel Rondón expressed his panic, recounting how he immediately untied his daughter from her seat and rushed her into the house. Desperate to save her life, he and his wife brought her to the Lakeland Regional Health Medical Center. However, despite their efforts and those of the medical professionals, the baby could not be revived.

The autopsy conducted on the child revealed that her internal body temperature had reached a staggering 104.4 degrees Fahrenheit (40.02 degrees Celsius), leading to the determination that she died of hyperthermia. Shedding light on the extreme heat conditions that the child was subjected to, Sheriff Grady Judd revealed, “The car was parked outside, not in a garage, not under a tree, not under any shade. The investigation shows us that the temperature of the car could have been between 130 and 170 degrees Fahrenheit (54-76 degrees Celsius) at that time.”

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The authorities revealed that both parents tested positive for alcohol and marijuana consumption, which they had indulged in at the party. Additionally, Joel Rondón’s test also came back positive for methamphetamine. As a result, the couple now faces charges related to the death of their child, exacerbating an already devastating situation.

As the investigation continues, the two other children of the Rondóns have been placed under the care of close relatives, while the Florida Department of Children and Families conducts its own inquiry into the incident.

Tragically, incidents of leaving children unattended in vehicles have caused numerous fatalities across the United States. Data from the No Heat Stroke organization indicates that since 1998, a staggering 950 deaths from heat stroke, or hyperthermia, have been documented. This year alone, including the case of the Lakeland girl, there have been 10 child fatalities due to this tragic reason. Furthermore, in 2022, a total of 33 deaths have already been reported.

According to statistics provided by No Heat Stroke, Texas ranks as the state with the highest number of child motor vehicle deaths from heat stroke between 1998 and 2022, recording 138 cases. Florida came in second with 102 cases, followed by California with 56 incidents.

The heart-wrenching loss of this innocent child serves as a stark reminder to all parents and caregivers about the life-threatening risks associated with leaving children unattended in vehicles, particularly during high temperatures. As this devastating incident unfolds, United States authorities and advocacy organizations are fervently working towards spreading awareness and implementing preventive measures to avoid any future tragedies of this nature.

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