Home » The best wallpapers for your smartphone, Android or iPhone

The best wallpapers for your smartphone, Android or iPhone

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The best wallpapers for your smartphone, Android or iPhone

You have recently purchased a new mobile device and you want personalize it according to your tastes or the mood of the moment, or are you tired of seeing the same old image when you unlock your phone screen and want to make a change that satisfies you?

On this page we provide you with the most valid sources to find the wallpaper best suited to your needs, which adapts to the type of device you have (Android or iPhone) and we will explain how to apply it. Nowadays, the Internet allows you to access a lot of choice, offering wallpapers for all tastes that are accessible for free.

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Integrated solutions on Android and iOS

Before relying on web searches or installing third-party apps, we can consider the most convenient option, which is the one that allows you to choose the wallpaper directly from the phone you are using. Both Android and iOS devices provide beautiful default backgrounds which we often don’t even know exists but which could be right for us without further research.

Built-in Android Wallpapers: to access the wallpapers of your Android device, just make a long tap on an empty part of the Homethen select Wallpapers. You will then have the ability to access all the wallpapers provided by your device, as well as the ability to apply a photo from your roll as a background image.

You can choose between 3 different options: apply the wallpaper as lock screencome Home screen or both. Android also gives the possibility to choose between static and dynamic wallpapers, to better customize the device according to various needs.

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Built-in iOS wallpapers: to access the iPhone wallpapers, just go to the screen Home, then Settings and then Wallpaper. At this point you will have access to the built-in wallpapers for iPhone and customize the aesthetic appearance of the device. By clicking on Add a new background you will be able to see the various choices, with the possibility of adding widgets or customizing the background with the available filters.

Once we have made our choice, just click on add and set the wallpaper for your lock screen, home screen, or both.

Best sites for wallpapers

Although the solutions integrated into the devices can represent a convenient solution, very often it is not possible to search for specific photos or wallpapers. In this case, you need to use all those sites that give you the opportunity to freely download wallpapers (even in 4K) thanks to the search bar, which allows you to easily find a specific category of wallpapers to choose from. Here are some of the most useful and famous sites for downloading wallpapers:

This site contains photos uploaded by various creators that can be downloaded for free as royalty-free. To do this, it will be enough open the site page and click on Search for free photosthen type the category or keyword linked to the type of wallpaper you want to find.

At this point, you will be able to choose from a very large number of photos by simply scrolling through the gallery and having chosen the most suitable background, you can download it by following these instructions: click on the chosen photo and then on Free download. The download will start automatically and once completed the wallpaper will be available on our device and ready to be used.

Other sites similar to Pexels that can be used in the same ways they are Unsplash, Pixabay and Deviantart.

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Pinterest is a social network within which it is possible to publish, share and search for images, videos and content of interest to us. The platform is mainly used to create virtual bulletin boards on which to pin (pin, in Italian) ideas, images, advice as a great aggregator of visual content.

Pinterest allows you, via the search bar, to find the images best suited to your various needs, offering a very wide choice. These contents can be downloaded for free and can be used, in our case, as wallpapers for the phone. Simply search for the wallpaper you wish to download using keywords, choose it from the gallery and download it by clicking on Menu and then up Download image. The wallpaper will be present in your phone’s gallery, ready to be used.

There are other lesser-known online portals that can be useful if you want to continue your search for the most suitable wallpaper. These sites have similar characteristics to those mentioned above but differ in the type of content. Between these we can mention Social Wallpapering, Zedge, Wallhaven and Flickr.

Best wallpaper apps

If you are looking for specific apps to find high resolution wallpapers you can rely on third-party apps, which can be directly downloaded onto the device, which may vary based on the type of phone you own. Let’s see what they are and how to use them.

If you have a device Android and you want to find the most suitable background it is advisable to download Beautiful Wallpapers 4Kavailable on Play Store. Once downloaded, the app will provide a vast choice of wallpapers to choose from, even in 3D.

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If you are looking for a similar solution for iPhone, Beautiful Wallpapers 4K/HDR is also available on the App Store. The steps to follow to download the wallpapers and use them are exactly the same as those mentioned above.

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Backgrounds in 3D

A particular category of wallpapers, which have the ability to personalize devices even more, includes backgrounds in 3D (i.e. all those images that are animated or move depending on how the smartphone is rotated). Of course, using such wallpapers may impact battery usage, so it’s best to consider this before considering using them. Here are some of the most popular 3D wallpaper apps:

Create or customize wallpapers

If the solutions provided so far are still not convincing, it is useful to try with the creating or customizing backgrounds, so as to create perfect images for your needs. Doing it is very simple: just use sites like Canva or Adobe available on the Web and follow the instructions provided by the platforms.

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